I did not read all 49 pages

, I will, just didn't today.

So I am not sure if this has been mentioned.
When I am doing a serious grillin, I always marinade in coffee. Now bear with me.
Make yourself a pot of coffee to start your grillin day, cause grillin is hard (fun very fun) work. Now the hard part, don't drink it all ... or if you do make another pot, let it sit and get cold (part of the process). Once it's cold pour it in a small pot - stove variety not coffee pot FYI - (make sure if you are one of the crazies that let grounds get in the pot that you filter this as it goes in the pot.) NO GROUNDS ALLOWED!
Ok so you have a pot of cold coffee yum yum yum.
Now, take the spices you're planning for this piece of meat. (Ya know whatever you'd have used for your marinade or dry rub or whatever had you not learned this nifty coffee trick. This works well with chicken , pork and beef - not so much with fish FYI)
Mix spices and goodies into your coffee in the pot.
Now simmer on vuury vurry low heat for 30 minutes give or take, you'll know when it's ready cause it'll smell like NOMS.
Let that sucker cool down again.
Now grab your meat (get your heads outta the gutter you bunch a dogs)
Dump the pot into a big ziplock, drop in the meat, get the air outta there.
Put it in the fridge for a few hours.
Mine usually gets put in the fridge about 11 am ish and sits till diner grillin time.
Makes for a richer flavor and very tender and juicy meat. - There is no sense of coffee flavor whatsoever, so those that do not enjoy God's elixir of life can still enjoy this as well.