I guess you have your briskets in brine by now. How's it going? Were you able to find the pink salt and cardamom pods? To my knowledge, I've never seen either.
I was curious as to the rub you were planning? Your entire cook has me excited.
I held off on the brining until tomorrow as I had some conflicting information on brining for more than 5 days. Some claim the salinity will equalize so brining for 5 days is the same as ten, which was my premise on starting it earlier in the week. Others claim it would make the meat too salty. I didn't want to risk all that meat, so I'll put the brin together tomorrow.
I went to my local grocery store to find the spices. It was a real treat to find them in baggies as they were only $1-2 instead of $5-8 for little jars. As you can see top left, the pink salt is from McCormick, so it should be pretty easy to find. I had never heard of the Caramom Pods either, but they were right there with all the others. The rest of the spices I have in stock.
If you know someone with a mortar and pestle it will help with crushing the spices. Luckily my wife is a Pharmacist, so she was able to hook me up.
Here is the recipe I'm going off of. As usual, if it comes out OK I'll tweak to my own taste.
Mind you, that recipe is for the meat packer sized brisket, 12-16 pounds. I'm doing two at once while my grilling fridge is empty (I just turned it back on after winter) and I have room for the weeklong brine. I'm going to smoke one right away, and cut the other into 3ds and vacuum seal and freeze them for later.
The steps aren't hard, it's more having room somewhere to keep it cold and let it brine.
Also, note at the end wrapping in foil, then a towel, then a cooler. I just discovered this technique for resting smoked meat. It's called FTC (Foil, Towel, Cooler) and you can keep food hot for up to four hours. I stuff the rest of the airspace in the cooler with extra towels and leave my remote thermometer plugged in. This help immensely for things like this or pulled pork where the end time isn't always predictable. Now I just plan to have them finish and hour or two early and keep it hot with it's own heat while I prepare the sides, and I can table the whole meal all at once without having to scramble.