The response I received just now from the email I sent to Cave Tools this afternoon:
Hey Rick,
The original version of the app was hosted on each person’s phone. There was no central database back up so if you changed phones or anything like that you could not bring the app with you.
On the recent update we added a login screen or the ability to use guest mode. In the new app, everything is backed up to our database with your user name. You can log in on any phone and always have access to your data. There is also the entire recipe community that we are building out and a bunch of other new features now that we have the database built.
Unfortunately we were not able to retain the previous journal entries for each person. I’m really sorry about this, but moving forward we made sure that everything is now tied to your user id forever and your data is safe.
Michael “Medium Rare” O’Donnell
Cave Tools - Owner
I thought it very considerate to respond and so quickly. However, I'm still miffed.