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Root Anyone finding it impossible to use any AOSP rom?


Mar 2, 2010
I can't seem to use ANY aosp Rom because they all end up being unusable after a couple of hours. They load fine and work incredible fast for a couple of hours but then out no where they make phone unresponsive. It's almost like the CPU slows down to a dramatic crawl. Only way to fix is to do a battery pull to reset. I have cleared cache, dalvik, uninstalled setcpu, all with no luck. I have tried almost all aosp and kernel combinations but nothing seems to work.Anyone have any insights or share the same misfortunes?
No Dice :(

I even tried RA alternative recovery, and wiped everything a couple of times. As always, ROM will install fine and run great for about 2 hours. Then something triggers the phone to SLOW DOWN. Today I was able to open SETCPU when the phone was stalling to see the CPU speed but interesting enough, it showed 998 but was running like if it was at 128 lol. Default governor was at "On Demand" with no downward scaling to lower clock speeds.

My guess is that the phone suffers from some typw of memory leak of some sort with all AOSP roms, as any sense based roms run perfect. I just can't understand why this only applies to vanilla roms. And I can't understand why this would effect some and not all users????

I have searched the web and have found a few forums where DINC users will describe this issue but know one really seems to understand why. :thinking::thinking::thinking:
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Could you post which AOSP ROMs (and version(s)) you've tried?

Only AOSP ROMs I've flashed are;
-CM 6.1.0
-CM7 nightly #12
-CM7 nightly #14
-CM7 nightly #15

All of this was done on either or (reverted to .0.5).

I recommend updating to either Clockwork or Amonra. I really don't think the recovery is the issue since yours is pretty up to date. But go ahead and update your recovery.

EDIT: is the latest non-beta for the Incredible. He's on the latest version. Some phones have a 2.6, and yet a few others are now on 3.x. He's currently testing a bug fix on the Incredible related to multi-touch on SLCD models, and that's holding up development.
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Could you post which AOSP ROMs (and version(s)) you've tried?

Only AOSP ROMs I've flashed are;
-CM 6.1.0
-CM7 nightly #12
-CM7 nightly #14
-CM7 nightly #15

All of this was done on either or (reverted to .0.5).

-CM 6.1 stable and few RCs
-Ruby 2.0.0
-Ultimate Droid 2.1.0
-MIUI 1.1.26
-CM7 nightly #13 & #14

I have not tried OMFB 1.1 or 7.0.0 but I think the same will happen.
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Are you doing this through recovery or through ROM Manager? I use Recovery, and below is my process.

-wipe data/factory reset
-wipe cache
-advanced/wipe dalvik cache
-install ZIP from SD Card --> choose ZIP from SD Card
-install GAPPS (if needed)
-reboot system

Is there anything in that process that you are doing differently?
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Are you doing this through recovery or through ROM Manager? I use Recovery, and below is my process.

-wipe data/factory reset
-wipe cache
-advanced/wipe dalvik cache
-install ZIP from SD Card --> choose ZIP from SD Card
-install GAPPS (if needed)
-reboot system

Is there anything in that process that you are doing differently?

Everything exactly as you layed out but with CM7, I boot first then go back into recovery and install the Gapps.

If this helps...
-S Off
-Hboot 0.92
-Amoled screen
w/ 16 gig card I just bought 2 months ago (3 Gigs free).

Like I stated before, the ROMs installs, boots and runs great for a few hours then they bug out for some reason. Phone will vibrate like a call is coming through and when I try to answer it, the screen is off so I hit the power button and the screen stays dim as try to swipe to unlock. Almost every touch interaction makes the phone vibrate. To fix, I pull the battery and it boots up like normal and runs like a champ for a few hours then soon after is slows down.

Absolutely NO problems with Sense based roms. What do you think can be causing this???
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I've been running the Lithium Mod for the past week without issue. It's snappier than the rooted\debloated stock Sense ROM I was running. I should mention that before flashing it, I stripped away a good bit of the stock apps that I knew I would never use, which may or may not have something to do with it. All I know is the performance and battery life have been amazing. Had to re-theme it though because the stock blue and red themes were boring and ugly. I ported a theme from a ROM for the LG Ally to work on the Incredible. Worked out pretty good, but i'm still fine tuning a few things.

I did try a few of the Sense and Senseless ROMs, but never gave them a long enough look to determine if the Lithium Mod ROM is faster or slower, nor do I care at this point. The Lithium Mod's been working to good so my ROM search ended.

For the record, it does come with the radio so maybe that has helped as well.
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Well it turns out that the radio version I was using was not the issue because the phone became unresponsive this morning when I tried to wake it up. To be specific, it does allow me to swipe to unlock but painfully in slow motion.

So that rules at the radio...which leaves me with its either the ROM/Kernel or some rogue app.

So this morning I wiped all user data in recovery and reinstalled CM7#14 but this time I did not log on to my google account during setup and have not installed any apps. So far no issues, but the true test is trying to wake the phone up tomorrow in the morning. If there are no issues, then that solves it (ITS A FREAKING APP).

If it is a rogue app that has been haunting me these past couple of weeks then who has the best way to identify which one is the offender? Why would a rogue app only affect me using AOSP roms and not Sense?

My suspicions are with..(Locale, Beautiful Widgets, ADW EX, Swype, CardioTrainer, Handcent) but I guess process of elimination is what its going to take.

Thanks to all for the help and recommendations.
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