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Help Anyone Integrated Cerberus on Your Commando?

I've been reading through a fantastic post concerning someone whose phone was stolen just recently. He was able to give the police vital information using the tracking Cerberus app he had previously installed and they were able to retrieve his phone the next day.
If you're interested, here's the link. It's long but it's worth it:
This man knows who stole my phone, can anyone help - Overclockers UK Forums

I have cerberus on my rooted commando. I learned from this thread that cerberus can be set up to provide 2 additional features.
1. Uninstall protection (Cerberus will even survive a wipe/factory reset)
2. GPS auto-enabling on Android 2.3.3 and later

I'm wondering if anyone has attempted this special install of Cerberus on their Commando? It's the 6th entry down on the list. I'm not aware if it's possible to "install it from recovery" as suggested. Does the 2nd method work?

I'm enough of a noob that I'd rather ask the more knowledgeable people here first rather than tempt fate and mess up my phone.

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I use Cerberus.
I have not attempted this, however the 2nd bit about remote access to turn on and off gps works if you grant Cerberus root permissions with useruser.

I'm not sure if I understand you. I'm talking about the following section:

I have a rooted device. Can I get additional features?

Yes! If you have rooted your device you can integrate Cerberus into your ROM and get two additional features: complete uninstall protection (Cerberus will even survive a wipe/factory reset) and GPS auto-enabling even on Android 2.3.3 and later. To have these features uninstall Cerberus, then download cerberus.zip, put it on the sd card and install it from recovery. Cerberus is also available on ROM Manager.

If that method doesn't work, you can manually install Cerberus in /system/app this way:
- Uninstall Cerberus from your device
- Download Cerberus.apk and put the file on your sd card
- Open a terminal emulator and execute:

mount -o remount,rw /system
cp /sdcard/Cerberus.apk /system/app/

- Now Cerberus should be installed in /system/app. Try to open the app, log in and see if it works.

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So about integrating into the rom, unless you have a custom rom of which there are no commonly available ones for the commando yet, (one just popped up on the root forum asking for testers) I do not think you can integrate it.

If you have titanium backup, it will do the same thing that terminal command set is saying by making cerb a system app.
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...If you have titanium backup, it will do the same thing that terminal command set is saying by making cerb a system app.

I never knew that option in TB was there. Went ahead and tried it but was worried the "Convert to system apps" failed because TB only gave me the "Processing..." message that did not go away. After a couple of hours, I finally powered my commando off/on and it came up normally.

Made sure wi-fi and gps was turned off. I noticed Cerberus was no longer listed in the user apps but is running under services. On a PC, I opened my account under Cerberusapp.com and told it to track it. I was watching the phone and both Bluetooth and GPS started up. A minute later Cerberusapp.com showed my present location!

So I now have the two extra features, Cerberus running as a system app and the GPS auto-enable is now working. Whether or not it can survive a wipe remains to be seen.

Thank you, LimitedRelease! :D
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