Excellent work on this app. In the short time Ive had it, its proving to be everything Ive been searching for months, indeed the first Ive ever purchased

Im cheap...what can I say?
Just a bit of feedback, and please forgive me if these questions are answered.
1. Sometimes it can be slow on re-registering, especially when switching between 3G and wifi. Might be nice to have a re-reg now button, at least then I can tell if its trying, or otherwise, see an error. Red Dot is a bit disconcerting when you cant do anything about it.
2. (stupid question alert) With regards to txt. The client does not offer a compose TXT button. Can I assume my usage of official Google Voice app for txt is indeed going over VOIP?
3. I must say, was expecting moderate to terrible battery impact, yet GVIP doesnt even show up on my to 10 batt consumers. BIG win.
Thx again.