These may very well have been answered, but I didn't see anything and there does not seem to be a thread search option.
I just got myself a little LG Optimus One P500 (Android 2.3.3) so I'd finally have an Android Phone so I can use Groove IP on it (I was using it on my tablet before).
I'm using it with ATT Prepaid (I don't use cell voice much and I don't need cell data services since most places I'm at have WiFi).
1. What are the best Groove IP settings users of this phone have found?
2. I'm currently using a combination of Google Voice, Ooma Voip, and my Cell (when needed). I have GV set to call the Ooma number, my Cell number, and Google Talk of course. Is anyone else doing something similar? If so, how are you handling the issues with answering GV calls on the proper device?
- When I'm home I'd prefer to answer on one of my phone handsets hooked into Ooma.
- When I'm not home and on WiFi, I'd usually prefer to answer with Groove IP on my Cell.
- When I'm not home and not on WiFi, I'd answer with my Cell of course.
Is there a good configuration for this, or is the best option to enable Groove IP to auto answer (without the auto accept so I can send to voicemail) and just turn WiFi off on my Cell when I'm home or does someone have a good option?
When I tried a quick test tonight, when I was called it seemed that the Cell answer box came up and I couldn't get to Groove IP up to answer from there.
Thanks for any input.
This seems to be a nice little phone, I just need to figure out how to get it working with Groove IP nicely.