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Root [APP][ROOT] Saferoot APP - Root 4.1.2 without a PC!


Extreme Android User
As some of you may already know saferoot is a versatile root method used for several devices including but not limited to the Samsung Galaxy Reverb.

Well with a lot of help from pressypie and my own due diligence we have it working from an app. Yes you read that correctly, you can once again root w/o a PC with a tap of the screen. :)

Developer: PlayfulGod & pressypie

People to Thank
  • k1mu - for saferoot
  • pressypie - for his F6Utitlies src and assistance in improving the code.
  • CMDann - for his root checker src
  • Adam Outler - for his Shell src that the root checker depends on.
  • caesersghost - for discovering it worked on the Reverb.

For a list of supported devices


Note: The app does require a internet connection to dl needed files. We did it this way to ease the process of updating if the need ever arises. ;)

The Goods
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