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Apple copied LG?!!?!

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Congratulations on shooting yourself in the foot. Do you actually want people to believe that Jonathan Ive (actually Sir Jonathan Ive now that he was awarded knighthood by the Queen of England) and his team of designers spent years designing the iPod and the iPhone, and then suddenly scraped all of their hard work on a whim just to redesign the iPhone, including the products circuit boards, product testing, component lists, machine tooling to build the products, iOS development, literally everything involved in building the product - just a few short months before they released the product to the public :D You're also saying that Steve Jobs was willing to gamble with Apples impeccable reputation to build incredible products, all by rushing this fantasy “copied” product you're talking about to market just months before they release it. Do you have any clue as to how ludicrous what you’re proposing is? :rolleyes: I'll tell you what, since you’re so convinced that Apple did this, here is LG's phone number (1 (800) 793-8896) ask for Wayne Park, and when you get him on the phone why don't you tell him your theory, and when he’s done laughing tell him that you'll help his legal team to put a case together so that his company can "prove" that Apple rushed a product to market just to copy LG. You never know, he might go for it. In the mean time you’re supposed to be trying to prove, not with off the wall theories, but with proven fact, that Apple saw the Prada and copied it for the iPhone. So far you haven't done that. Your random dates prove nothing. Any lawyer or judge can tell you that. You have only proven how unfeasible it would have been for Apple to have done what you theorize. OS X was already being reworked (called iPhone OS at the time) so the iPhone was already well in the works and had been through extensive development long before it was “released” to the public. Oh BTW, you might also want to work on your timeline a bit. Steve Jobs first referenced the iPhone on April 2003 which kind of supersedes the whole September 2006 announcement of the Prada by at least 3 years. That’s probably a small detail to you, but to the rest of us in the real world it's one that needs to get ironed out before your argument has any credibility. Thanks.

He was referring to functionality. Congratulations on your Apple Newton :D

Who knew? :p

I believe they designed a bumper to resolve all these issues. That's the great thing about Apple, they learn, they fix, they move on. iPhone 5 should be pretty cool (until something else comes along to dethrone it) such is the wonderful world of technology :)

Who gives a rats ass who is knighted? Lots of actors also gets knighted too, like Patrick Stewart and its mainly given to Britons only like Jonathan Ives. The Queen didn't knight both Steve Jobs and Wozniak for the Apple II but she did knight fellow Brit Sir Clive Sinclair for those Sinclairs. What happened to the Sinclairs now? Knighting doesn't mean shit.

So far I have established that

1. The Prada phone was already shown in public and in a design competition in 2006 which it won.

2. Its resemblance extends not just to the iPhone but the iPhone 4. Not bad for a 2006 product eh?

3. The LG Prada KE 850 and the Nokia 770 had been used successfully in courts in Europe to disprove claims of Apple's trade dress for this "design".

LG did contemplate suing Apple for the design, but didn't considering the atmosphere was far less litigatious then and Apple was buying loads of LG components such as screens.

Referring to the functionality of the Apple Newton? You're really full of beans. You apparently have never used an Apple Newton at all. The main thing that sets the Apple Newton apart from devices today is that its main text input comes from writing on the screen and having it recognized. It comes packaged with many things like a built in applications suit that includes PIMs, a spreadsheet and a word processor, as well as a MacPaint like app. The device has expandable slots and a removable battery, and finally it has a hinged cover that falls on the screen. You didn't see it in that video because the cover was folded to the back.
Knighting doesn't mean shit.

Speaking of not meaning anything.... either does the 'drop test' video posted.

It does NOT show the phones close-up before they are dropped.

It is edited in such a manner that makes the results meaningless.

It's one of those videos that does nothing more than just take up space on you tube.

Case closed ;)
I remember 2003. I remember a lot of people rumoring that the iPod could become the iPhone. (And I know how PDA add-on modules really drove modern smartphones forward.)

And I remember Jobs saying Apple was not working on an iPhone back then.

So, how did 2003 and Jobs saying that they weren't working on it translate into they were?

And who didn't like the Newton besides Jobs? I liked it.
The timeline in regards to the prada phone and the iphone 1 is irrelevant as those two bear little resemblance.
It is the iphone 4 that looks a lot like the Prada and the Iphone 4 was released years after the Prada phone.
In my personal opinion: at best this proves that Apple is not nearly as innovative as they think they are.
About LG choosing not to sue, there could be a million reasons for that but if I were LG and doing pleasant business with Apple, I would not sue them over a 5 yo design. It is costly and not worth the effort because time did not stand still in the LG office either.

Jonathan Ive being knighted is irrelevant, a knighthood does not make his work better or worse then it is.
In regards to his design, I could repeat myself ad nauseum and repost my sources, but the fact remains that the iphone 4, despite being very pretty, well executed and solid, is not innovative, not durable and therefor not amazing industrial design.
Apple has billions in cash reserves. That's why they can afford to sue anybody, steal what they want, patent your idea, and sue you after stealing your idea.

Litigation > Innovation is their playbook(not to be confused with that RIM tablet).
I have said it before and I will continue saying it.

The problem is that patent system was not adequate to protect high tech software. It was revised in the dot com days and lobby money played a part. It got terribly broken and the rest of the world followed suit.

Had that not happened, we wouldn't be in this predicament.

My qualifications for saying this is that I am a sole and joint inventor on hardware and software patents granted from the 80s to post dot com, USA, Japan, and elsewhere worldwide. I have had to defend my intellectual property rights legally here and overseas.

Most of what is written in the popular press on modern mobile technology and the surrounding lawsuits is total rubbish aimed at shareholders, the buying public and potential juries.

Make no mistake - Apple didn't start these lawsuit wars, but they are without doubt responsible for the insane escalation of them.

And I don't believe in appeasement with bullies, I believe in fighting back. I don't believe blame is shared so equally in these cases.

The majority of these lawsuits would have never happened without the so-called reform that broke the patent system altogether. It's not the first time in the history of the world that bad laws have been used to oppress rather than protect.

If the smoke ever settles, lobby your congress critters to change the patent system and insist that the old standards ought not have been swept away.

I don't believe that lack of intellectual property protection is the biggest threat to innovation today - and that's what the patent system was intended to protect.

The biggest threat to innovation today is the meglomaniacal tendencies of the people who got too rich, too fast, never learned from history and have thought for so long that because they could buy lawmakers that that has made it right, alive or dead, because I include Jobs' legacy here.

The battles on the forefront have a judge holding up a Samsung and Apple product asking if they can be distinguished from across the room (the attorneys for both sides could, the judge could not).

The battle includes gestures on glass on a candy bar form factor.

The battle includes practically nothing where innovation is concerned.

Both sides did indeed absolutely innovate, but once upon a time, not every innovation was assigned a number and set up for a docket schedule.

Anyway, these are just my opinions, thanks for reading.
The iPhone broke.

The Galaxy S2 didn't.

Case closed.

Premium materials huh?

Who are you kidding for something that is made in China with a cost of materials under $200.

Nice for you to retort completely ignoring the Galaxy S2 didn't break.

I love shooting down fanbois with the facts.

And run the test several more times and it is possible the iPhone would not break and the Galaxy would. You do not know if the video posted was the first drop test or the sixth.
Every device has a weaker spot. Drop it so it hits on that spot with enough momentum, where there's insufficiently less elasticity to the device, and it will break, every time.

I've seen phones ruined from just over a 2 foot drop that would otherwise survive a higher drop - just depends how it lands.

Conservation of mass, energy and momentum - the momentum has to go somewhere. It doesn't just not happen.
Iphone sucks end of story lol, android will always be better then the iphone for one reason, theres only one iphone and if you want Ios thats what your stuck with, with android you have a crap ton of different phones to choose from that all run basically simillar OS, therefore android is better
Iphone sucks end of story lol, android will always be better then the iphone for one reason, theres only one iphone and if you want Ios thats what your stuck with, with android you have a crap ton of different phones to choose from that all run basically simillar OS, therefore android is better

Maybe. That's what they said about the Apple ][, the Mac, the Mac mouse, the Mac keyboard and the iPod at one time.

Besides - as of right now, there isn't only one iPhone - there are three iPhones in production - 3gs, 4 and 4s.

Did Apple do that in response to Android? Maybe.

Competition is a good thing. Everyone wins except the losers.
Iphone sucks end of story lol, android will always be better then the iphone for one reason, theres only one iphone and if you want Ios thats what your stuck with, with android you have a crap ton of different phones to choose from that all run basically simillar OS, therefore android is better

A terrible reason. People might not care about the 34,435 Android phones on the market because all they want is a phone. The iPhone is a great device with millions of happy users that do not frequent forums to learn how stupid they are, how hated they are, how terrible Jobs was, (RIP, Mr. Jobs) and the rest of the BS posted on all sorts of forums.

They saw it, they liked it, they bought it, they use it, they worship it and we do not exist to those people. I did learn recently that if you drop a glass object it will break. That's something, I guess.

For some, Android is better. For others, iOS is better. For me, I wanted a nice big phone without a contract and that limits my choices. Mine is likely bigger than yours. Smiley.

I worry about all of those Android phones out there. Sad that nobody seems to get things right, so let's try to sell this one and if it does not sell, we had better try something else. Whoops, that did not work, let the sheep in on this one, it is built by supreme beings in the Overlord's robot factories buried deep beneath the planet.

Sorry, that did not sell, so lets go with this one here. Yeah, that's the ticket. It comes in purple this time and you know how people love purple.

Lets bombard them with constant aOS upgrades. I sure hope other developers can get our OS right this time. Wait, lets offer a larger screen and rip off Siri and promote it with robots on TV. We will release our latest models this month and after they sell well, we will upgrade them and make them twice as fast and half as cheap. Just wait until Double-Dutch Brownie 1.0 comes out. We are running out of desert names for upgrades. Perhaps Pineapple or Gooseberry? They are fruity sounding names, so perhaps Apple users will accidentally buy our phones. I mean, from reading the forums, Apple users are a stupid as a fir covered hammer or an all pig chorus line.

I am thinking by giving them 12,569 new phones this quarter, hopefully we can begin to compete with Apple. Until Apple releases the $50.00 iPhone 6, then we will need to manufacturer other things because our phone do not sell. Perhaps tablets. Until Apple releases a $200.00 7-inch tablet. Hmmm, perhaps we can make toasters. Robot powered toasters. Does George Lucas own that name?

Apple got it right the first time. Users buy one phone every year or so, not like the Android fanboys and girls that are suckered into upgrading endlessly; rooting and bricking and complaining and going to an Apple store. Heck, it took the root developers to get Android right. At least most of what Google developed they did not steal from Apple. I read where Google stole the name Apple from IBM. I sure hope Apple grows a pair and starts suing others for infringing. Come on Apple, are you afraid of court? Grow a pair.

You sheep buy anything with the Android logo. All you need to do is start setting up Android Genius Bars and you are set. No wait, Apple stole all the Genius types and I read some of the posts on various Android Forums so perhaps we should just call them Bars.

We have orchards where Mom's Apple Pies come from. You guys are all about robots and remember, robots kill humans. No thank you. Apple gives us little apple stickers that eventually sell for big bucks and not one stinking robot sticker from Android. I guess the profit margins are so slim, they can't afford the cost. Perhaps one day, Apple will license iOS and then you will have a chance to compete.

Big Smiley
Bloggers should be required two take too years off Grammar.

In 2006, LG teamed up with Prada, to create the LG KE850; now 5 years later the design is still considered modern.

The Prada phone was the first full touch phone and one of the first 'smartphones' on the market. A year later Apple came out with their iPhone which was a full touch phone also. Then in 2010, 4 years after the Prada phone came out, Apple released the iPhone 4; a direct look alike. Chrome around the sides of the phone, a similar speaker on the top of the phone and an almost featureless black front and back, are just some of the similarities between the two.

Criticism arose when the first iPhone came out, but LG took no action. When the Iphone 4 came out, their was no comparison between the two, but in fact Apple had taken another step to far, copying the LG Prada phone even more. Now after 1 year on the market Apple is suing Samsung, over the designs of their phones; being to similar to the iPhone's.

the momentum has to go somewhere. It doesn't just not happen.

Very well stated. Momentum is energy, and you can't destroy energy, it has to go somewhere. All future cell phones will probably be using Gorilla Glass II or the equivalent, so the screen should no longer be the weak link :)
Speaking of not meaning anything.... either does the 'drop test' video posted.

It does NOT show the phones close-up before they are dropped.

It is edited in such a manner that makes the results meaningless.

It's one of those videos that does nothing more than just take up space on you tube.

Case closed ;)

The results are consistent to other videos as well as many reports in the forums. Yes, the iPhone 4 and 4S cracks when drops and both the Galaxy S and S2 are remarkably impact resistant.
The results are consistent to other videos as well as many reports in the forums.

Oh well then its GOTTA be true 'eh :roll eyes:

Everyone knows you can't argue with videos made by 15 year olds :eek: :D

BTW, I read an article today by PC Mag. You'd think that they would be unbiased but this article wasn't. If a reputable company like PC Mag can put out trash, then so can a 15 year old with daddys camcorder. Just because it's "on the net' is meaningless.
Who gives a rats ass who is knighted? Lots of actors also gets knighted too, like Patrick Stewart and its mainly given to Britons only like Jonathan Ives.

Patrick Stewart would have never been made captain of a star ship unless he was knighted. So yes . . . it makes a difference.
And run the test several more times and it is possible the iPhone would not break and the Galaxy would. You do not know if the video posted was the first drop test or the sixth.

iPhone 4 vs. Nokia C7 drop test.

Nokia C7 wins.

Drop Test - iPhone 4 versus Nokia C7 - YouTube

Tablet drop test, iPad 2 vs. Galaxy Tab vs. Xoom

iPad 2, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy: Drop Test Comparison - YouTube

iPad cracks up the most, Galaxy Tab the least.

Samsung Galaxy S II : Drop Test - YouTube

Pretty solid results for the Galaxy S2.

iPhone 3G Crash Test - YouTube

Electronics still work but the iPhone is completely messed up.

HTC Legend Drop Test - YouTube

HTC Legend survives multiple drops and throws with only scratches.
The iPhone broke.

The Galaxy S2 didn't.

You seem to have "over looked" a few..... :D

Cracked SHW-M250L Super AMOLED Plus Screen - YouTube

Hi guys, So I picked up my SGS2 from handtec like many a folk here. In love with it as I was my first SGS. I however, have already buggered up the screen, placed it on the ground and I guess it hit a bit of a grit and split top to bottom right down the middle. link

Does anyone know how to replace the Galaxy S2 screen?

I recently dropped my Galaxy S2 and cracked its screen. link

Does anyone know of a good spare parts seller for the Samsung S2?
Basically I dropped my phone and it landed on a stone front side up and put a hole through it. link

I thought this phone was supposed to be a super strong phone that could take the knocks. I had my for 4 days and didn't misuse or abuse it but only could see half the screen. The outside glass was fine but you could see a crack in the inner screen. link

my samsung galaxy s2 screen is super cracked so that the touch screen doesnt work link

I dropped my <White Galaxy S2> phone and the screen is cracked. Touch and display are fine, it looks like just the glass is damaged. link

Must be those inferior materials.... :D
i really wanted to post a rant on this forum, I'm just hoping the people at the Android forums will be more fair on the topic.

When the LG prada phone came out it was revolutionary, a year later the first iPhone was released, back then Apple was accused for copying LG but nothing happened. NOW with the 4 and the 4S, people are saying the design is elegant and revolutionary!!! They just copied LG even more!!! Don't believe me? Heres a comparison

See what i mean?
Apple is just following Microsofts lead.
completely disagree. Every POS Windows computer I would own would get a virus within a year. I have had 5 Macs, not even so much as spyware let alone a virus and doing the exact same things. That alone makes Apple worlds better than any junk MS run product. My iPad is also far more productive than anything anyone else has released. Deny it all you haters want but Apple changes the tech world. They don't invent tech but as soon as they put their touch on it and it starts selling, all the other companies scramble to copy it. Funny.

If you got a virus within a year there is a 99% chance that it is completely your fault.

Also, Mac OSX is ALWAYS first to fall in hacking contests.

And Apple products (iPad) are more productive? Please.

(Quoting myself from this thread.)
This is a lot to read, but if you really want to get the most out of your Android device I highly suggest reading this all.

Not only that, let's take capability into account here. My evo shift doesn't lag. Period. Granted I do have regular reboots due to battery swapping, so that could (and probably does) help. It's not overclocked, and it does have a custom rom CM7 so no carrier bloat. For the longest time ever I've always maintained Android is still the only mobile platform that does real multi-tasking.

For instance, when I get home, my phone turns on airplane mode, then turns on wifi, then logs me into GrooveIP and connects to my Wifi network. And it does this all... automatically. Without any interaction from me, in the background, by itself. Text messages/voicemails are routed through Google Voice (Sprint integration ftw!) and all phone calls are routed through GrooveIP. This allows me to not be connected to Sprints network in any way shape or form, and still have a fully functional phone while getting great battery life because the "tower" is in my living room.

When my phone disconnects from my Wifi network it automatically disables Airplane mode, turns off GrooveIP, and it's back to normal. When I leave my home, wifi is automatically turned off and GPS is automatically turned on (for remote tracking purposes. GPS also turns itself off at work, and a few other locations I picked, and the it turns itself back on when I leave those areas. Also, at some of those locations my phone will turn wifi automatically on/off.).

My phone also logs every single call & text message to a Google Calender I set up.

It also backs itself up automatically at night (a complete NAND backup using Rom Manager), and deletes backups older than 7 days.

But wait, there's more!

What good is a NANDroid if it's not backed up somewhere else right?

Well, guess what. More automated solutions. My phone automatically backs up the contents of my SD card to home network, which is then synced to my personal server in Los Angeles ( I live in Chicago) automatically in an encrypted format.

But wait, even more.

It just doesn't back up the SD card in it's entirety. At my discretion, all my media (photos, songs, etc) are downloaded to my device at the same time. All the media that goes to the phone, is not backed up thus reducing overhead. It also only makes a transfer on a file by file basis, only if the file is different one either end depending on which way the sync transfer is programmed to.

Oh, and to top it all off, it does this all automatically, without my interaction, wirelessly.

Everything I just said is done completely by itself, and amazing feat to say the least. And it doesn't lag my phone either.

So, let's see an iPhone do that.

All of this also applies to my Asus transformer, which also has the same capabilities.

Please, I implore you, try to find *any* iDevice that has that kind of productivity.
Very well stated. Momentum is energy, and you can't destroy energy, it has to go somewhere. All future cell phones will probably be using Gorilla Glass II or the equivalent, so the screen should no longer be the weak link :)

From a physics standpoint that is totally incorrect.

Gorilla Glass is very cool.

It also will shatter dramatically if stressed properly.

It's still glass, not transparent aluminum.

Some people treat their phones like dress watches and so some are styled that way by their makers. The expectations about how these phones will respond to dropping is fine and all, but really is a lot of false viral marketing.

Look at the CASIO G'zOne COMMANDO.

If you want to design something to withstand dropping and rough treatment, then simply put, that's what you design for. You make the body more elastic to protect inner components.

You don't make both sides out of stressed glass.

Do make both sides out of stressed glass if you are looking to make something visually appealing to many, like a dress watch.

I still fail to see what the dropping arguments are trying to prove, because product design - like almost all design - is a matter of balancing compromised goals at every turn.

While marketing and these silly videos suggest this or that has an uncompromising design, the truth is that to anyone who creates products the expression uncompromising design makes about as much sense as dry water.

There is no such thing.
Gorilla Glass is very cool.

It also will shatter dramatically if stressed properly.

Everything transparent will shatter at some point. That's not the issue. The issue is to move the point of where it shatters past that of rough handling. As I understand it Gorilla Glass II does that.

Time will tell :cool:
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