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Apple copied LG?!!?!

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You mean CliffsNotes? :D

BTW the butler did it...

You're not very big on comprehension I take it. We're talking about viruses and the market share myth. But since you want to go off topic - did you know that it turns out that with sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine :eek:

Apparently you saw the word 'Apple' and your eyes glazed over, and you immediately morphed into your Apple haters frame of mind and started type, type, typing away.

BTW apples float because 25 percent of their volume is air.

I'm talking about the fruit :eek: :D

Yeah I notice you keep saying this. Not sure if you're trying to convince us or yourself. Most of those so-called 'hacking wins' were through old versions of Safari, NOT OS X. As Homer Simpson would say... D'oh! Since you apparently don't know it Safari is a browser, not a operation system. Big difference. You lose. Oh and the very next day Apple issued a fix, and on top of that every Mac user already knows to uncheck the “open ‘safe’ files after downloading” option. Smiley.

The day Microsoft makes a product that doesn't suck, is the day they start making vacuum cleaners.

Really? I DARE you. I double dare you :p Go ahead, be a hero, spread some testosterone around and write a real virus for OS X, just think... every script kiddie will tattoo your name across their chest. Go on, give it your best shot. I'm certainly not worried, and neither is any other OS X user.

But if it makes you feel any better then...

<deep breath>

"Oh pleeeeze don't write the first virus for OS X Mr Iowa! I beg of you. Show OS X users some mercy! Where's batman when you need him?"

</deep breath>

I Kid! :D

Flames and rhetoric! My favorite! ;)

I don't care what you're talking about. It's irrelevant. Completely irrelevant. Market share has very little to do with actual system security. Moving on.

It is pretty obvious you don't like Microsoft products. Cool. Good for you.;)

Please read this again:

Once Admin/SU rights are granted, it's game over. Doesnt matter what operating system you're using.

Do you understand that statement?

Well then, how are Admin/SU rights granted to the malware? How does this happen? Some magic password? No... Brute force? Sometimes, but both systems would be equally affected.

Also, please read this:


And finally, understand that Social Engineering is the way 99% of exploits are performed. Both operating systems fix larger loopholes, and neither one of them stay open for attack for long.

Bottom line: an OS's biggest weakness (as of Today) is always the end user. This takes most technical aspects out of the equation anyway.

Edit: Just want to add, I'm not going to discount other exploits that can be performed without user interaction at all. Sometimes a well scripted website can knock any OS on it's ass. It's true, it happens every day. To all operating systems.

To say one OS is more secure than another is laughable, they all have exploits. Even if there is only one exploit, it doesn't matter the system has been compromised.

To this day, there is no such operating system that does not have an exploit.

The number of exploits each operating system has is irrelevant. (Please note the difference between the amount of exploits present and the amount of exploits discovered)

What does matter is an OS's adaptability to counter these exploits and recognize them before too much or any damage is done at all.

To be honest, both of the latest operating systems are fairly even in this regard, whether you believe that or not, it's true.

Comments about reading comprehension and conjecture about eye glazing are ad hominem attacks and cannot be tolerated.

If we have a cardinal rule it's to attack issues and not other members.

Quite simply, IOWA is correct by any reasonable measure - the user is always the weak security link.

In future, rather than losing it and resorting to making things personal, please just agree to disagree and move on.
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