My point of view is similar: I don't like fanboys (from both camps). There are many reasonable Android or iOS users that simply don't bother anymore.
I think it's great that iOS is getting better. All in all, we're the consumers and it's a better product for us.
I am a Fanboy. At least a modified version of your typical FB. I substituted crazy views and abhorrent insanity with reason with logic and I chose a device to meet a specific list of needs and requirements. So far, nothing on the Android side is as good as far as tablets go.
I use a Zio and it does everything the old iPhones do and that is simply good enough for me. I do not feel compelled to go iPhone.
I purchase technology that serves me and my needs, be it Apple or Android. So I can justify my purchase as being smart(er) purchases, but only as far as I am specifically concerned.
For me, the iPhone was a no go because it required a contract. Simple as that.
The iPad was the only choice for me because I required a tablet and there was nothing on the Android side, just announcements of devices arriving soon and lots of rumors. I'll stick with my iPad because nothing on the Android side serves my specific needs.
I must admit that the overall look of many iPad apps is simply amazingly beautiful to look at. Pages works well for me, and I'll admit that I have a few games. Simply stunning, ever so clever and bloody creative.
There are no music applications on the Android side to speak of (writing music and synthesizers, not players) and that is important to me. Again, many are stunning to look at and a joy to use.
So as far as I am concerned, Android tablets fall short, but Android phones rule my particular roost. For now. I'll never buy an iPhone. But we do not know what the next great thing will be.
And as the Android tablet market grows, there are bound to be great tablets released Or Apple will end the discussion by releasing a tablet that is just too difficult to ignore.
And the Android Fan Boys will insist on tearing it apart and we are back to square one.