Unfortunately apple has a valid argument here. They own the patent. Maybe HTC can change them all pretty fast.
Yeah, here's the thing - the ruling came down last year, HTC had until April to comply as a grace period.
They've been in compliance on new shipments before the deadline. The deadline triggered the inspection. The inspected units passed - no surprise there.
BTW - the patent in question was filed in 1996 and wasn't granted until 1999 when the patent laws changed. HTC phones have always violated the patent until last year.
Microsoft Windows completely violates this phoney baloney patent, but it's not in Apple's interest to try to take them on - so they are picking and choosing targets based on possible profitability of the lawsuits - not based on actual damages done.
Were it for actual damages, they'd have gone after Windws years ago.
And Microsoft lawyers fighting this in the USA over 10 years ago would have won, and Apple would have been laughed out of court - because Microsoft was violating the patent before the patent was filed for.
Apple has a patent here - they do not have the intellectual property involved that patents are supposed to protect.
Ever hear of the bread freshening method?
Patent US6080436 - Bread refreshing method - Google Patents
It's a dot com days patent on making toast if your bread is stale. That's how screwed up the patent system became.
This today is Apple's patent on how to make toast.
And HTC changed the toaster months ago.
This is all baloney sausage.