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Apple files another lawsuit against htc.....

So I'm sitting here reading all this info and I'm wondering could we all file a class action law suite against Apple for damages do to Overwhelming Stress. We have been looking forward to getting this phone that they are trying to stop us from getting? I mean We've read about all the wonderful cool features of the phone and how it can improve our quality of life. Now because Apple can't come up with an original Idea of their own any more, that is preventing us from from reaching the full potential of our lives. We have been overly stressed over all the law suites and now we are all on anti-depressants, have loss of hair, loss of sleep, and its affecting our Jobs! How are we going to continue in this life if everything we aspire to get is taken from us by some big fat lazy Corporation who's only real achievement has been taking things that others have made and making those things theirs? Apple hasn't created anything since Jobs and company created the first Mac. The reality of it is how is Apple able to claim any patent for a device in which they themselves copied? This thing has stressed me out so bad I think I should go and Kill my Neighbour and his entire family and swear that APPLE made me do it. Because APPLE is more evil than the devil. Their devices have implanted voices in my head and I cant shut them off.

So what do you think class action? I mean it may sound ridiculous but not any more ridiculous than what The Big Apple is doing!

Ok so the last few sentences may be a stretch but still we could claim it just might not go very well especially with our neighbour and his family :p
Give it a go. St6art a thread in the relevant device thread looking for more people to make it a class action :)
Is it just me or does Apple look like they'll take ANYTHING to the patent office and hope it sticks? Will Apple's MacBook Patent Hurt Ultrabook Makers? | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

PCmag.com said:
Apple this week earned a patent on its distinctive laptop teardrop concept, which could mean hard times ahead for PC makers in the business of building slim ultrabook laptops, many of which resemble the MacBook wedge blueprint.
Apple's patent — D661,296 S — is described as "the ornamental design for an electronic device," and includes drawings of the entire product, defined by solid lines.
The patent features little written explanation, leaving a number of drawings to do the talking. To determine infringement, courts look at whether "an ordinary observer" can see substantial similarities in overall appearance, patent lawyer Rich Goldstein of Goldstein Law Offices told PCMag.
"Keeping in mind, of course, that laptops, by their nature, already will look similar," Goldstein said. "So the test actually requires that this 'ordinary observer' already have in mind the 'prior art,'" he said.
The patent's photos distinctly focus on the overall external wedge shape of the notebook, dismissing details like the rear contour, hinge, side ports, and feet, allowing the claim to cover a broader spectrum, Goldstein said.
Patent wars could potentially be waged if Apple decides to wave its new claim around, stomping its feet over products like the Asus UX31 or Dell XPS 13 ultrabooks. The lack of content could give the patent more power, Apple Insider said, because it does not specifically limit the scope of Apple's design definitions.
Whether a company will bring an infringement lawsuit depends on a lot of factors, Goldstein said. Often companies will use a sort-of bartering system called cross licensing to borrow a piece of intellectual property from another organization, without taking the issue to court.
"The question is whether Apple will take kindly to someone coming this close to their [product design]," Goldstein said.
In his second-ever public interview during last month's D10 Conference in California, Apple CEO Tim Cook said, "we can't take all our energy and all our care and finish the painting and have someone else put their name on it," though he called patent wars "maddening, a waste, and a time-suck."
Apple did not respond to a request for comment about possible patent lawsuits.
The patent, which Apple applied for on July 1, 2011, was granted on June 5, and will be in place for 14 years.


What's next, Apple is going to submit a patent for wearing underwear, and anyone wearing underwear on the inside is going to be subject to a lawsuit? Patenting your innovation and new products and design is one thing, but when you try to patent the obvious, that's where the patent office needs to start taking its job more serious and tell the entity submitting the patent, "Yeah that's not being innovative, that's being painfully obvious".
That shape is for a design patent - not a patent. Design patents like that have always been common.

Yes, and there is a distinct visible difference from the Asus Zen Books if you go by the drawings presented but I don't think that will stop Apple should they decide to start pushing this one.

I do think that might be the start of the nails in their coffin if they do try to push it. The public is getting tired of this.
When the suits were coming down from Apple there was one story in the blogosphere - what's Android going to do when Apple wins.

As soon as Android makers fought back the story changed - when will the lawsuits end.

What's wrong with this picture?
When the suits were coming down from Apple there was one story in the blogosphere - what's Android going to do when Apple wins.

As soon as Android makers fought back the story changed - when will the lawsuits end.

What's wrong with this picture?

I think Apples people expected Android Makers and User to just accept defeat. I mean really they are arrogant enough to truly think that way. However because Androidians Stood up to the Big Fruit they have all learned and realized that The thing that is greater than the Law itself is the Peoples demand. All these lawsuits have done is really make Apple look like a bunch of preK'ers that are going to wine and cry when ever someone walks by them. The real issue here is that we need to make sure that we always remember the "Baby" syndrome that Apple has cause its seems to me to much exposer to their product has caused them to regress back to children willing to through a fit any time something doesn't go their way. All I see from Apple is yet another imitation.
HTC, Samsung and other companies that Apple is trying to sue should try to remake this commercial but show the Apple conference in the video screen........but then I'm sure Apple would sue....some more.....

1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial - YouTube

Oh snap! I have been trying to convince friends and family that Apple is evil lately and have mentioned that they switched roles. While Apple used to be the little guy with the niche market, they have now become the giant, big brother type that they always used to hate.

I never thought about using a parody of their own commercial against them though. That is brilliant!

Funny how times have changed too. Apple and IBM are not really competitors at all these days...
Apple and IBM are not really competitors at all these days...

What happened with IBM?

Apple realizes it's losing It's innovative edge. That company also realizes there is no replacement for Steve Jobs.

I feel bad that the company has to resort to scare/suing tactics. Competition isn't a bad thing. It keeps people working hard and being imaginative. Apple started taking it for granted that they were a popular household name. Now they have to be petty because the reality is that they've grown complacent.

As android continually pushes itself farther along, Apple now sees it has to make a move. Instead of being creative again themselves, They've settled on trying to bash the work of others. Though they've been showing that side a little more as time goes by anyways.
Think of the MAC VS. PC commercials.

Though in my opinion, A PC is less expensive and It's also a better performing easily upgradeable choice too. =]
MS and Apple aren't that different in objective, just in method. Where MS tried to leverage itself into the market leader through outrageous and (sometimes) illegal license agreements and anti-competitive arrangements with manufacturers and partners, or using it's market penetration to thwart it's competition, Apple uses the flaws in the legal system to bully the competition. Neither is very respectable, but apparently given the successes of both companies, is effective.

When Jobs was alive, I always pictured secret meetings between he and Gates ...


"What do you want to do today, Bill?"

"Same thing we do every day, Steve ..."

"Try to take over the world!"
What happened with IBM?

Apple realizes it's losing It's innovative edge. That company also realizes there is no replacement for Steve Jobs.

I feel bad that the company has to resort to scare/suing tactics. Competition isn't a bad thing. It keeps people working hard and being imaginative. Apple started taking it for granted that they were a popular household name. Now they have to be petty because the reality is that they've grown complacent.

As android continually pushes itself farther along, Apple now sees it has to make a move. Instead of being creative again themselves, They've settled on trying to bash the work of others. Though they've been showing that side a little more as time goes by anyways.
Think of the MAC VS. PC commercials.

Though in my opinion, A PC is less expensive and It's also a better performing easily upgradeable choice too. =]

I personally don't see how Steve Jobs could have sustained his innovation. The nature of success is that once it's attained, you tend to lose your fire, at least that's what the movie Rocky III would insist You trade your passion for glory....

I don't think Steve Jobs had another golden egg left in him. Granted, the public that followed Apple like lemmings would probably consume whatever new creation he could bring to market.
I personally don't see how Steve Jobs could have sustained his innovation. The nature of success is that once it's attained, you tend to lose your fire, at least that's what the movie Rocky III would insist You trade your passion for glory....

I don't think Steve Jobs had another golden egg left in him. Granted, the public that followed Apple like lemmings would probably consume whatever new creation he could bring to market.

I guess the same could be said for Da Vinci or Einstein? Not that I am saying Jobs was in the same league as Leonardo or Albert, just that some people are able to see concepts and ideas most can not.

Jobs genious was in determining what he beleved people needed and then selling them on that idea. I don't care what you personal feelings are on the guy, he was a genious in that regard. Could he have pulled another golden egg out? With Jon Ivey and Steve Jobs working together? Yeah, I believe so. Is the new iphone coming out it? Nope.
I guess the same could be said for Da Vinci or Einstein? Not that I am saying Jobs was in the same league as Leonardo or Albert, just that some people are able to see concepts and ideas most can not.

Jobs genious was in determining what he beleved people needed and then selling them on that idea. I don't care what you personal feelings are on the guy, he was a genious in that regard. Could he have pulled another golden egg out? With Jon Ivey and Steve Jobs working together? Yeah, I believe so. Is the new iphone coming out it? Nope.

It's very unfortunate that he passed on. I have to give that man a load of respect. He was full of passion and he was creative. He had a lot of useful ideas that he brought to life in his products. The simplicity and resourcefulness of the devices he helped create were truly valuable to consumers.

The sheer masses promoting brand loyalty for Apple, Is indicative of that.

Problem is, Now that he's gone, Who knows exactly where Apple will go. All the petty stuff they are pulling now only makes me think they've realized the truth. Their innovative days are coming to an end unless they do something drastic. Either that or find another genius like Steve. (I feel for the person who has to step in his shoes)....
I guess the same could be said for Da Vinci or Einstein? Not that I am saying Jobs was in the same league as Leonardo or Albert, just that some people are able to see concepts and ideas most can not.

Jobs genious was in determining what he beleved people needed and then selling them on that idea. I don't care what you personal feelings are on the guy, he was a genious in that regard. Could he have pulled another golden egg out? With Jon Ivey and Steve Jobs working together? Yeah, I believe so. Is the new iphone coming out it? Nope.

I'm not sure you can compare art nor scientific theory to personal consumer electronics. Sure there are elements of both involved in Apple's products, but I can't see them in the same arena. Steve Jobs was a genius and an innovator, there's no denying that, but I just can't see how he could or even would abandon his work with the iphone/ipad/ipod to bring something else to market and risk having another AppleTV on his hands. He had a great impact on this world and it's a shame that we'll never know if there was another golden egg left in him.
If anyone is interested, a few days ago I began drafting a letter that I will be sending to my elected officials. Tonight I believe that it is done, or at least close to done. Feel free to use it as a template and send to your representatives/senators as well.

I would like to thank EarlyMon for some inspiration here. Lots of other stuff in it has come from arguments I had heard over the years, pains I have experienced first-hand, and talks delivered by Richard Stallman (who is right about software patents, though can often be a blow-hard that makes deliberately polarizing statements just to rattle some cages).

Thus, I present to you what I have today. Obviously, you will need to properly address your representative/senator in the first line -- don't forget to change that! Also, I haven't spell checked this yet as I just wrote it in a text editor (gedit on Linux if you're curious).

If you need to know who your elected officials are, you can look them up here:

Senators: U.S. Senate: Senators Home
Reps (enter your zip on top-right): Directory of Representatives
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