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Root Apps re downloading over and over


Android Enthusiast
Apr 7, 2010
Ever since updating to gingerbread I've had an issue where when I would download an app itl start up normally and download, but when i go switch to internet and do some browsing or play a game ect it seems the market fcs in the background and starts the download again and at that point theres 2 downloads of the same app going both using up bandwidth sometimes it even gets up to 3-4 of the same app. The only real way In can get a download working normally is if I keep the screen on on the download page of the app and watch it download all the way which is extremely obnoxious to do for each app.

Anyone else having this problem or know a way to fix it?
Ever since updating to gingerbread I've had an issue where when I would download an app itl start up normally and download, but when i go switch to internet and do some browsing or play a game ect it seems the market fcs in the background and starts the download again and at that point theres 2 downloads of the same app going both using up bandwidth sometimes it even gets up to 3-4 of the same app. The only real way In can get a download working normally is if I keep the screen on on the download page of the app and watch it download all the way which is extremely obnoxious to do for each app.

Anyone else having this problem or know a way to fix it?
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What apps do you have installed? I could be wrong here, But, if you have multiple apps that make backups of your apps after flashing, they may be doing there thing and re downloading your apps. I know Titanium backup throws your apps back in after flashing. I'm not sure if rom manager does. And Google also makes backup of your apps and contacts and will throw them back in after flashing or resetting your phone.

If this is the case, you may want to set only one app to backup and reload your apps. But like I said, i could be wrong. Just trying to offer a possible course of action.....:D
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