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Are iPhone users more educated than Android users?

What if you have owned an iPhone, Android, and Blackberry device all within less than a year?
This will confuse them.... I can't stand chianti, frequently pass wind loudly in public, and could put letters after my name if I felt the need to boast. :)
This :D
Some of the things in this survey are just killing me, I mean come on. So supposedly since I'm an Android user I am

Slightly more likely to be a pessimist. (I'm one of the most optimistic people I know.)
57% more likely to own an ugly full featured device. (So most Android devices are ugly? WTF?)
50% more likely to use Yahoo mail. (People still use Yahoo. O_o )
71% more likely to follow. (This one confused me the most out of any of them, so we are more likely to follow? I mean that doesn't sound correct at all. Don't most of us choose Android over iOS because we like choice? and because we don't want to be just like every one of the sheeple? )

Gotta love random surveys, I have no clue how they came up with half of these answers.
Mine came out nearly the same.

I think its completely based on prejudice. How about you stop comparing the damn phones and let Droid users be Droid users and Apples be Apples, whether they're rotten or not.

As for 'more educated'...I think the creator of poll, blog and article has never been to college or been 'educated' enough.
While the iPhone may of originally been promoted as a high class expensive device, I don't think that it is now.

It's more of a default for people when getting a new phone, especially here in Australia where Apple have 70% of the smart phone market.

Android devices on the other hand make up most of the opposite choice, and while we may or may not be better educated. We certainly like to tinker and see how things tick. So what does that say about Android users then?

What if you have owned an iPhone, Android, and Blackberry device all within less than a year?

Maybe multiple personalities? :p
Wrong about the TV shows. I don't watch sitcoms or movies. I love Nova, History Detectives, Frontline, Baseball and Football.

I use Yahoo mail as we have naked DSL. No mail service. I use Gmail and GMX also. I do my own thing. I've never give a damn what half the population is doing. I sew, craft, etc - simply because no one else designs what I want, so I do it myself.

I have NOT tried Angry Birds - games usually do not interest me. I like card games and crossword puzzles.

I like using things my way, and if a device will let me do that, great. If it also lets you use it your way, even better.

I've owned BB, Nokia, Nokia Symbian and Android in a year.
My favorite was that iPhone users were much more likely to have been on the internet before 1992.

History of the Internet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was. Not the almost one - the D/ARPA one.

So - unless a plurality of their respondents worked at the right levels in the DoD, DOE, physics community, or hung out at Berkeley, iPhone users in that survey are more likely to be calendar-challenged. Or they believed that things like CompuServe were the internet maybe, I dunno.

I wasn't able to afford-ably get my own static IP address for my home until 1993 (and that was thanks to slip, before ppp).
That thing is severely wrong on a lot of points. I have a lot more in common with iOS users than Android, and no one would be able to make be buy iPhone, or use one for myself... Unless someone gives it to me for free... And then I may even resell it to get an S2.. :)
This survey does not change my preference of Android over iOS. They can believe their lies.
Your data still gets throttled if you go over or you can lose a signal, so what's the diff between an Iphone with bling and plain jane?

That does not matter. The fact that you can afford to drop millions on a cell phone tells people you are probably rich. Not saying smart, just saying rich. Or you are leveraged to the hilt and you really are poor.
Everyone knows iPhone users are the most awesomest, most edumicated, and super duper number one people on the planet. Apparently, the entire US government has recently dumped RIM for Apple. I rest my case. :D
Actually, those who drop millions on a cell phone usually aren't the richest movers and shakers. They prefer better investments. The nouveau riche and performers and some eastern rulers are more likely to be ostentatious.
Actually, those who drop millions on a cell phone usually aren't the richest movers and shakers. They prefer better investments. The nouveau riche and performers and some eastern rulers are more likely to be ostentatious.

Yup. People like rappers, for example. Although I seriously doubt many rappers could afford one. Some bling is out of reach.

I think King Bojangles, the King of Narnia has one, I read that on some web site somewhere some time ago.

Perhaps the 8 million plus iPhone is a spec item and it will never be sold?
Most of the iPhone users I know don't know how to use their phone's to their full capabilities. "What's a jailbreaking?". I myself think that people buy iPhones for their massive amount of quality apps and accessories.

I think I've used a Palm (only cause one of my phones broke xD), Blackberry, iOS and Android this past year.

I could still be using an iPhone today, but I didn't like how I couldn't customize it as well as an android.

This makes me poor?
Most of the iPhone users I know don't know how to use their phone's to their full capabilities. "What's a jailbreaking?". I myself think that people buy iPhones for their massive amount of quality apps and accessories.

I think I've used a Palm (only cause one of my phones broke xD), Blackberry, iOS and Android this past year.

I could still be using an iPhone today, but I didn't like how I couldn't customize it as well as an android.

This makes me poor?

According to the survey, yes you are poor. No need trying to analyze it. Accept your label, be happy and go stand in line for a block of cheese.
Most of the iPhone users I know don't know how to use their phone's to their full capabilities. "What's a jailbreaking?". I myself think that people buy iPhones for their massive amount of quality apps and accessories.

I'll bet there is no shortage of people having Android issues. We just do not know.
Most of the iPhone users I know don't know how to use their phone's to their full capabilities. "What's a jailbreaking?". I myself think that people buy iPhones for their massive amount of quality apps and accessories.
This is a good assumption, but I think it is only part of the reason people buy an iPhone. Word of mouth, ability to access real people and service at an Apple store, customer service satisfaction surveys, and even the Apple logo are all probably motivators.
However, only jailbreaking an iPhone brings out it's true potential.

I could still be using an iPhone today, but I didn't like how I couldn't customize it as well as an android.
Really? How long ago did you own your iPhone? I say this because except for built in features like Google's maps on Android phones, they is very little a jb iPhone can't due in terms of customization these days. And there are so many tweaks in Cydia to give an iPhone an Android feel. I personally like the HTC weather widget, Android Lockscreen where you have to draw the pattern to unlock, fully active icons and background wallpaper, etc...
Depends on what you want. I listen to Pandora alot. About 10 bazillion times better on iOS. Battery life is also better. Honestly, widgets are really the only thing that pulled me towards Android. From there, it was drag and drop (iTunes sync is the devil) as well as being able to swap/upgrade memory.

The point is, to get a custom look in Android, it takes about as much "work" as it would with iOS at this point. The difference is the activity is sanctioned by one (Google) and not the other (Apple).

And actually relating to the original post, I have no idea how accurate this survey is. It is important to remember though that just because one's personal experiences don't mesh with a survey, it doesn't make the survey wrong. Many people are stating that they are android users, yet they associate more with what this survey claims iOS users are like. That's fine. No survey is going to conclusively state if you like a, b, and sometimes c, then you are always an iOS user, or the other way around.
Strange that Larry page & Sergey Brin being android users are both individually 2.5x richer than Steve jobs who is an apple user.
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