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Are you a geek? Geek test!!! :D

I programmed mine as well - they usually had paper tape or punch cards. The first TI calculator came out the following year, programmable ones after that. I owned an HP desktop calculator for scientific use - it was the size of half the desktop, weighed about a ton. :)

Never had need of a portable, programmable calculator.

The damn sad part about those calcs is each teacher only allowed a certain model in thier classroom. So at the end of high school i had a TI83 TI86 and a TI89.. lucky i was able to reuse the 86 senior year :eyeroll: then in college i had to downgrade to a basic calc for the first two semesters. Meh.
I'd forgotten those days - yeah - I seem to recall paying over and over for the kids' calculators now that you mention it. :mad:

But that's just part of the deal, if it wasn't one thing, it'd be another. What I objected to was that it seemed that classes were being taught in calculator-lus rather than simply teaching first principles in the first place. And to compound matters, as you know, having to re-focus on different models caused as much confusion as anything.

I'd best stop now before I complain about the lawn! :D
Here are the calculators I use almost daily:

TI-30XIIS (all-around basic calculator)
TI-84 Plus (graphics and programs)
TI-30XS Multiview (it shows fractions and exponents the correct way)
BA II Plus (financial calculator)

Plus the one in my mouse-pad if you remember when I posted about that. :p

Looks very funny though. :)

But too long for my liking.

I dunno about a Geek Test but I do know something that I would get the highest mark out of everyone...


I will check if there is a douche bag test or not lol

brb in 108 years :)
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Test time isn't an issue right now for me :D
I'm testing a new robotic punch and testing the accuracy so it's taking its own sweet time.
(Note most of my positions are better then 0.02 mills :) )
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