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Are you a geek? Geek test!!! :D

I say it counts if you remember doing it!

My favorite one to be able to check mark was computer camp. I don't remember a whole lot from it but I do know the director told me I had the mind for it. Maybe I should have listened
*remembers the list*
-create your own language (?)
-write java script, c++ etc <--I used to when I was in HS...so I put yes (don't know if that counted)
-go to comics convention
-host a cosplay party
-write your name in binary<--I used to when I was in HS...so I put yes (don't know if that counted)
-count in hexadecimal <--I used to when I was in HS...so I put yes (don't know if that counted)
-the answer is 42 <---what the heck is this???

Not really sure about the HS knowledge, lol. If you take those out...I'll be like 5% XD

The answer is 42 is from the Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
32.47%. Scary. I thought it would be low because I am not into Star Wars and I can only fix a mildly malfunctioning computer.
7.38%. Thought it would be higher but then I dislike Star Trek and Star Wars and that seems like the true litmus test.
So did I. However, I'm not big on anything Star-Trek, Star Wars or anime and there were a lot of questions about that. ;)

I don't think those are really a huge factor though, I can't stand anime, or Star Trek and still managed to score 53%. (But I do like Star Wars.) Someone has to score higher than me, I figured at least one of the mods would score higher than that. :(
I don't think those are really a huge factor though, I can't stand anime, or Star Trek and still managed to score 53%. (But I do like Star Wars.) Someone has to score higher than me, I figured at least one of the mods would score higher than that. :(

I did again being much more lenient on what I checked. Such as things I don't own anymore, don't do anymore, etc. I scored 29%. :p

Still, long way from 53. :D
25% - Total geek. Though, I would have guessed that 25% wouldn't quite be 'total' geek. Their call, and they made it.
I did this Geek Test and it confirms what I already know. I have geek tendencies but not a full flight geek.

My Geek average is 11.63% (rounded)

If you're bored and want to do the test: Geek Test: the original test from innergeek

Post your score!

The test is NOT short between -_-;;;

I am not very geeky, I have several "geekish" friends. But honestly, I f-ing HATE star trek. I like computers, I really want to go to a comiccon someday, and I also I would like to go to that restaraunt that has the jousting and you eat with your hands.

11.99262% - Geekish Tendencies
19% I thought I'd score lower, as I'm not generally considered much of a geek. Looks like my love of science fiction and "vintage" gaming consoles did me in. :o
Am I a geek for wanting this?

Not at all. Although I don't understand why you would want a short sleeved white shirt, unless you're a dentist.

I would totally wear that tie, it's definitely awesome. So I guess if I approve your screwed, and definitely a geek. :P
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