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Are you using an Anti-Virus with your Spirit 4G?

I keep my periscope up for info about this.

So far, what I've seen indicates no real need for Android A/V. Especially if you take anywhere near the same care where you go and what your press as you do when on your pooder.

I did put the PushDetector on the other day, it found nothing. But that was also free and a very small App.

I do think a locator app is a good idea even though you can at least Push a workable version out without preloading an app if need be.

Bruce in Ocala, FL
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I use AntiVirus plus, Android unlike IOS is a computer OS basically and there are threats out there. Better to be safe than sorry.
bnb is exactly right, anyone who is actually informed will tell you the threat indeed exists; although it is improbable one would contract a threat from the Google Play Store, it is not out of the realm of possibilities. Downloading apps outside the Playstore increases one's risk dramatically, and anyone who is rooted may stray from apps not housed on the Playstores servers when searching for a good ad blocker for example, which is no longer available via the PS. Most A/V take minimal resources and offer additional value such as remote wipe and tracking features in the event your device is ever misplaced or stolen. As with any subject, opinions will vary, but by performing a simple Google search I believe you will conclude A/V software is like a condom, better to have one and not need it then need it and not have one.
Best regards,
- Jace
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For me, logic works like this:

1. Windows has always been victim of viruses cos it was the most important OS for so many years (and with the most users)
2. Mac users are now becoming the new victims since Apple = $$$
3. Android might not mean as much $$$ as the iPhone industry, but.. we are growing at a very, very fast and steady rate.
4. Android might be safe nonetheless, since most hackers can't write code for Linux and... if they can, they are Developers, not hackers (anymore)
5. Only 1% of the malware has come from Google Play
6. Since most of Root users (or jailbreak users) aren't into paying for every single app/game they use... (I have paid for like 40 pieces of software, but I use more than those -not at the same time, though-)
7. Anti-Theft features are nice to have in hand
8. As most people say, better safe than sorry.

But, I guess point #4 is enough explanation why I feel safe xD
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