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att net10 text issues


Well-Known Member
So me and my wife have been with virgin mobile for a while. Other then poor tower service everything was fine. We wanted nicer phones then what they offered and better service. Well att has absolute awsome coverage in our area and net10 seemed like the way to go for us. We could get the galaxy s3 (yea virgin has the phone now) like she wanted and unlimited everything with awsome service. Well we both got the s3 and we both are on the same account and all was working fine for the first month, we renewed are service and for the first week everything worked fine. Then my wife suddenly can no longer send or recieve picture messages and has no data access. We spent hours on and off the phone with customer support and they reset her service and after that she then had no text at all. Everything still works perfectly fine for me and we are on the same account, same phone and have the same apn settings. Well im able to put my sim card in her phone and it works perfectly fine as if it was my phone. So net10 told us that she needed a new sim card. So we went and baught a new sim card and had it transfered over last night. Well her data works now but her text still do not work at all. I have tried many apn settings and nothing has worked. ive done lots of research and see there are many with this issue. I understand they do not guarantee anything to work other then phone calls however that is a load of crap. No they should not be able to advertise unlimited everything when u have a 50/50 chance that it will even work. Im thinking that switching back to virgin is what may happen. Atleast they garentee everything. My wifes phone is rooted as mine is not rooted or unlocked. However that cant be the issue because her phone was working perfectly fine for 5 weeks. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
So me and my wife have been with virgin mobile for a while. Other then poor tower service everything was fine. We wanted nicer phones then what they offered and better service. Well att has absolute awsome coverage in our area and net10 seemed like the way to go for us. We could get the galaxy s3 (yea virgin has the phone now) like she wanted and unlimited everything with awsome service. Well we both got the s3 and we both are on the same account and all was working fine for the first month, we renewed are service and for the first week everything worked fine. Then my wife suddenly can no longer send or recieve picture messages and has no data access. We spent hours on and off the phone with customer support and they reset her service and after that she then had no text at all. Everything still works perfectly fine for me and we are on the same account, same phone and have the same apn settings. Well im able to put my sim card in her phone and it works perfectly fine as if it was my phone. So net10 told us that she needed a new sim card. So we went and baught a new sim card and had it transfered over last night. Well her data works now but her text still do not work at all. I have tried many apn settings and nothing has worked. ive done lots of research and see there are many with this issue. I understand they do not guarantee anything to work other then phone calls however that is a load of crap. No they should not be able to advertise unlimited everything when u have a 50/50 chance that it will even work. Im thinking that switching back to virgin is what may happen. Atleast they garentee everything. My wifes phone is rooted as mine is not rooted or unlocked. However that cant be the issue because her phone was working perfectly fine for 5 weeks. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.
What seems to have happened is the sim is not provisioned correctly, Which is a huge pain in the ass and you may have to keep escalating the problem up the chain until you get a rep that can and will fix it.

The problem is no their end nothing you can do from my understanding. and its too bad you bought a new sim
Yea its on there end for sure. I even baught another s3 to see if that helped but no it did not. Ive been on the phone with them one to many times now and still nobody can fix the problem. Currently im emailing them back and forth. I just dont have the time to sit on the phone all day everyday especially when every single person wants me to do the same thing over and over again on my end but they just dont get that the problem is on there. There is nothing more I can do as far as I know.
Yea its on there end for sure. I even baught another s3 to see if that helped but no it did not. Ive been on the phone with them one to many times now and still nobody can fix the problem. Currently im emailing them back and forth. I just dont have the time to sit on the phone all day everyday especially when every single person wants me to do the same thing over and over again on my end but they just dont get that the problem is on there. There is nothing more I can do as far as I know.
Close the account, open a new one. That may be the only way you can fix it.
Im thinking so as well. I finally called support back and one of them actually got it working again perfect. However that lasted a week and 1 day and as of today it no longer works again. So here we go again.
have you considered going to the new go phone $60/2gb lte plan? Get sim at att store and they set up phone for you. You get 1 gb more data plus lte, plus priority on towers over mvnos.
Yes what I was thinking, even though AT&T had jumped on the band wagon they still think their worth more money.

even $10 per month, if you can't find discounts on net10, is a lot more per year.
Exactly, ill go back to virgin mobile first. Slower speeds but there prices are right and there reliable.... service and support.

As of now I cant even explain what im dealin with net10 now. I seriously do not see how there in business. I dont think im gonna even attempt to start a new account and hope it works. Because if it does not ill be out that money. Think me and my wife are just gonna go back to virgin. Net10 had emailed last night saying they would activate a new sim for me free of charge which I already have. Well once I gave them the sim number they stopped replying to me and I havnt gotten a message back today and ive even messaged them a few times asking whats goin on. They have no clue what there doing and there really screwin over there customers. I dont see how they can do that and still be in business.
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