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Help ATT S3 - Poor reception?


Aug 1, 2012
Got my new phone on Friday, and have been having various issues on and off with the reception. At home, I have no 4G, which to be honest I was expecting because my reception at my house has always been lousy. But what is troubling to me is at work, it shows I have a 4G connection and cycles between 2 and 4 bars signal strength (sometimes even 5 but that is rare), but about 80% of the time I am getting network timeout issues for data. If I run a speed test I am lucky to get 500kbps down.

If I step outside, the phone gets close to 5Mbps which seems to be good (No LTE in my area) and seems to get excellent reception. Now I would probably just chalk it up to bad reception in the office as well, but the thing is I have a work blackberry on ATT that is 4G as well and I can get nearly excellent service from that phone while at my desk. Why would there, and should there be a difference?

Also, my battery drains extremely fast when at work, I think it has to do with it keep trying to get a signal. With fairly heavy screen usage throughout the day, my top 3 battery breakdown is 31% screen, 23% cell standby!!, and 16% Android System. The Cell Standby seems to be extreme but I could be wrong.

Any suggestions?


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