I posted my feelings about talking a driving a few posts back, I firmly disagree. I think it is far more dangerous reaching for buttons, especially since you have to look at a touch screen, and I believe speaking with someone on a hands free wireless system is safer than actually talking to someone in the car with you, most people tend to gesture when talking to an actual person and look at them for reaction or approval. Again, a lot of that is propaganda. There is no reason for a "smart phone" to be dumber than a "dumb phone" for specific operations, it even makes it less smart. It is still a "phone" w/ benefits, for all intents and purposes... if one wants a phone that doesn't make phone calls, they should get an iPad (not that I would ever suggest an Apple product to anyone, maybe one of the other "pad" products)... just because that's the way technology 'roll' doesn't make it "smart" "wise" "intelligent" (clever, yes... ruthless from a business standpoint, yes, intelligent, not so much) or "socially responsible"... but as Americans anymore, we seem to just take it... "roll" with it, throw our money at the new toys without demanding any responsibility. Again, my main concern is being as safe as is possible, so more voice commands all around is a good thing, but voice dialing is a must.