jmar Nexican May 25, 2013 #28,556 Banned for implying that I do not get sarcastic remarks. Double banned for defending her honour; Grumpy Cat handles that just fine.
Banned for implying that I do not get sarcastic remarks. Double banned for defending her honour; Grumpy Cat handles that just fine.
T tastycaramel Guest May 25, 2013 #28,563 jmar said: Banned for not responding sooner. Click to expand... Banned for attempting to order me around.
jmar said: Banned for not responding sooner. Click to expand... Banned for attempting to order me around.
T tastycaramel Guest May 25, 2013 #28,564 Clementine_3 said: Banned for responding at all. Click to expand... Banned for insulting one's intelligence.
Clementine_3 said: Banned for responding at all. Click to expand... Banned for insulting one's intelligence.
M Member243850 Guest May 25, 2013 #28,566 Banned because I know this is hard... but... you... must know... that... your money... I must have it... or... I must knife you... Please don't take this to heart now you hear jmar16678 (Shiuzen huis I forgot your old name buddy! )
Banned because I know this is hard... but... you... must know... that... your money... I must have it... or... I must knife you... Please don't take this to heart now you hear jmar16678 (Shiuzen huis I forgot your old name buddy! )
M Member243850 Guest May 25, 2013 #28,567 It was jmar martinez! It was martinez! I remember now! YES I must combat the forces of Alzheimer's disease with laughter!
It was jmar martinez! It was martinez! I remember now! YES I must combat the forces of Alzheimer's disease with laughter!
M Member243850 Guest May 25, 2013 #28,569 xD Hehehehehe! Banned because I know that you have planted a chip into my brain when I was sleeping and you did it like this strange creepy looking weirdo: And then you were clumsy and all most broke my brain with your foolish clumsyness! XD Whahahahahaa
xD Hehehehehe! Banned because I know that you have planted a chip into my brain when I was sleeping and you did it like this strange creepy looking weirdo: And then you were clumsy and all most broke my brain with your foolish clumsyness! XD Whahahahahaa
ZeroGeined Well-Known Member May 25, 2013 #28,571 Banned because the mission, clearly, was not impossible.
P paulbates Android Enthusiast May 25, 2013 #28,572 Banned for taunting 'stinky stinky' about emissions
M Member243850 Guest May 25, 2013 #28,573 Banned because you are obviously not important enough if I don't know who you are! xD
huh Android Expert May 25, 2013 #28,575 according to clause 7, subsection B ,article 1, paragraph 3, you are hereby Banned!!!