salgadoadiel12 Newbie Jul 7, 2013 #30,078 Ban for being to complicated with super long explanations, that don't make sense.
EarlyMon The PearlyMon VIP Member Jul 7, 2013 #30,079 Banned because fish sauce isn't complicated lol.
salgadoadiel12 Newbie Jul 7, 2013 #30,080 I'm stupid, I saw another ban and I was thinking about it and got confused.
EarlyMon The PearlyMon VIP Member Jul 7, 2013 #30,081 Banned because it's no big deal, we bust on each other and then ban away.
jmar Nexican Jul 7, 2013 #30,082 Banned for not changing your user name based on the day of the week.
EarlyMon The PearlyMon VIP Member Jul 8, 2013 #30,083 Banned for calling me DayMon - which does have a nice ring to it in a Ferengi sort of way. Banned for being a Ferengi.
Banned for calling me DayMon - which does have a nice ring to it in a Ferengi sort of way. Banned for being a Ferengi.
salgadoadiel12 Newbie Jul 8, 2013 #30,087 Ban for making want to watch star trek, I prefer star wars better.
EarlyMon The PearlyMon VIP Member Jul 8, 2013 #30,088 Banned because you can watch both and Babylon 5, too.
Xt51 Android Enthusiast Jul 8, 2013 #30,089 Banned for making me feel young. Whats star trek and babylon 5??
salgadoadiel12 Newbie Jul 8, 2013 #30,091 Ban for feeling young, because I the youngest here What is Babylon?
huh Android Expert Jul 8, 2013 #30,092 banned because if you have to ask...then you don't deserve to know and double trek is waaaaay better than star wars
banned because if you have to ask...then you don't deserve to know and double trek is waaaaay better than star wars
M Member243850 Guest Jul 8, 2013 #30,095 Troglodyte Stinky version 2.0 says: Banned because I am the Emperor of Emperors AND I am ALL of your father!! Who's yo daddy man?
Troglodyte Stinky version 2.0 says: Banned because I am the Emperor of Emperors AND I am ALL of your father!! Who's yo daddy man?
K Kaat72 Guest Jul 8, 2013 #30,098 Banned cos you are not my daddy. *stamping her feet, fists in her sides