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Battery Life - Display

I have done everything that I can think of in order to increase my battery life. I even took the old jeep to the shop to get the AC port fixed so I can charge in my car. I don't know if I have a genuine problem here or if I am just being picky. I know I have been using my phone more the past 3 days because it is a new toy and I can't keep my hands off of it, but I have noticed that the battery does not last more than 8 hour of normal use before it is completely depleted. I rooted it, removed the bloat, turned of GPS and Wireless assist, don't use WIFI, installed a task manager, and turned screen brightness to the minimum.

With all that being said the phone still does not last near what I think it should be. I have had it for 3 days now, so I am guessing what I am hearing from other people is that my battery should be broken in by now. I don't know what else to try. I noticed that when I check the battery use, the display is usually 70+ percent. Is there some day to decrease the brightness beyond the stock settings or something to increase life?

Does it sound like I may need to do a battery swap. I know I have been playing with the phone more, but I feel like I haven't been using it so much that it should die that quickly.
My phone has been unplugged for 48m 53s and the battery is now at 86%
Usage as follows:
Display 51% - Time on 24m 8s
Voice calls 33% - Time on 4m 20s
News & Weather 5% - CPU Usage 6m 20s, CPU foreground 10s
Cell Standby 4% - Time on 48m 53s, Time without signal 0%
Android system 3% - CPU Usage 2m 39s, CPU foreground 16s
Android OS 2% - CPU Usage 2m 7s
Phone Idle 2% - Time on 24m 44s
Dolphin Browser HD 2% - CPU Usage 1m 39s, CPU foreground 1m 14s

Is my battery bad or something because I haven't been able to make it through a full day with this phone yet. It's now at 84% since I've been writing this and it's doing absolutely nothing.
Well the screen is definitely what eats up a ton of power then. I've had mine on for 3 hours, and I'm on 95% of it. 7.5 minutes of screen use is around the same amount of power used as 3 hours of standby. Things you can do to help include:
Use a solid black background. Black backgrounds use less power on an OLED screen, so this should help some. Turn brightness down to a minimal level, it'll use less power.

Try running juice defender so it turns off wireless communications when it's in standby.
I've been noticing that my battery widget will be saying like 40% but my battery is actually still at in the blue. Wonder what the deal with that is.
My phone has been unplugged for 48m 53s and the battery is now at 86%
Usage as follows:
Display 51% - Time on 24m 8s
Voice calls 33% - Time on 4m 20s
News & Weather 5% - CPU Usage 6m 20s, CPU foreground 10s
Cell Standby 4% - Time on 48m 53s, Time without signal 0%
Android system 3% - CPU Usage 2m 39s, CPU foreground 16s
Android OS 2% - CPU Usage 2m 7s
Phone Idle 2% - Time on 24m 44s
Dolphin Browser HD 2% - CPU Usage 1m 39s, CPU foreground 1m 14s

Is my battery bad or something because I haven't been able to make it through a full day with this phone yet. It's now at 84% since I've been writing this and it's doing absolutely nothing.

This sounds a lot like my experience. I woke up this morning, checked my email and browsed on wi-fi for about 15 minutes, spent another 15 or so tweaking settings. Then I listened to music for about an hour during my subway commute to work, with the screen on for maybe about 10 minutes of that time. By the time I was at work, I was down to about 65% battery, with use being split about 45/45 between display and idle processes. Everything else was from 1-3. I'm really at a loss for what to do.

This is with the display set to the lowest setting and more tweaks than I'd care to list. I'm really at a loss for what to do.
Whoa! The default battery tray icon doesn't seem to refresh too well (at least with launcher pro). Looked like I had about 75% left but I actually had 41. I know the main issue though: I'm addicted to a nice bright screen. I'm not too worried about it as I can turn the screen down if I know I'm going to want more time. I only use my phone for 30 minutes at lunch and then can plug it in when I get home. For weekend use I'll just turn the screen down until I need it. I'm okay with the battery life so far, and a second battery is only $40 straight from Samsung.
I think I might be experiencing buyers remorse...I have my sync setting turned down, a black wallpaper, task manager, and screen brightness turned to the lowest settings and I am still experiencing horrible battery life.

The display has used up 53% of my battery and it has only been on for 24 minutes and the battery was already drained to below 30%. I can't deal with this horrible battery life. There are times where I don't have access to a charger and i need to be able to rely on my battery to get me though.

I guess I am just going to have to take this phone back.
I can't deal with this horrible life.

I know you meant "battery life" but I laughed my ass off man thanks. I read that as such a doom and gloom "my phone sucks, life is not worth living". All entirely a drunken misinterpretation of your post but I still had a good time...
My battery life is pretty good. I'm getting 15-16 hours moderate to heavy use out of a full charge. I have my brightness set to supernova and am using setcpu to keep my cpu running at 100% all the time.

I've actually noticed my GPS grabbing a signal quite a bit and I think the problem is related to weatherbug and my weather.com widget trying to locate me and me being ain a basemetn at work it can't. That seems to suck serious battery.
My battery life is pretty good. I'm getting 15-16 hours moderate to heavy use out of a full charge. I have my brightness set to supernova and am using setcpu to keep my cpu running at 100% all the time.

I've actually noticed my GPS grabbing a signal quite a bit and I think the problem is related to weatherbug and my weather.com widget trying to locate me and me being ain a basemetn at work it can't. That seems to suck serious battery.

Is anyone else getting results like this? Maybe I got a bad battery... I cannot go 5 hours on a charge with moderate usage. I rooted to get better battery life and have my CPU to underclock when the screen is off and sync set to once a day.
Battery on this phone is absolutely pathetic. It might just be the deal breaker. I've done absolutely NOTHING on my phone except look at a 10 webpages, answer 2 sub-1 minute phone calls, and text, and I've gotten 8 hours. Very jealous of the iPhone crowd who are getting those hours with USE and have a day of standby time.
Battery on this phone is absolutely pathetic. It might just be the deal breaker. I've done absolutely NOTHING on my phone except look at a 10 webpages, answer 2 sub-1 minute phone calls, and text, and I've gotten 8 hours. Very jealous of the iPhone crowd who are getting those hours with USE and have a day of standby time.

I'm with you there. I hate having to plug my phone in all the time. I consider myself a power user and I can barely get 8-9 hours out of this phone with limited (2 hours) usage. My iPhone gave me 24+ hours with 6 hours of usage. I'm trying to focus on the positives though like the fact I can play almost any video without conversion.
Is anyone else getting results like this? Maybe I got a bad battery... I cannot go 5 hours on a charge with moderate usage. I rooted to get better battery life and have my CPU to underclock when the screen is off and sync set to once a day.

On my second batter drain cycle. I charged the battery on Tuesday night and unplugged before bedtime and left it in the car, Since then, I did what I normally would do without charging the phone at all. And I did not get the flashing battery icon until 1:30 PM today at work. Granted I didn't talk much on it, but I did do a lot of Wi-Fi on it between 4 and midnight last evening. Another charge discharge cycle and I will do as I please. With micro USB chargers everywhere, I will be fine.

If there is one thing I don't like about the battery, it's the time it takes to charge it. From 1:30 to 5:30, I was pretty much charging it up from 0 to 100%.
On my second batter drain cycle. I charged the battery on Tuesday night and unplugged before bedtime and left it in the car, Since then, I did what I normally would do without charging the phone at all. And I did not get the flashing battery icon until 1:30 PM today at work. Granted I didn't talk much on it, but I did do a lot of Wi-Fi on it between 4 and midnight last evening. Another charge discharge cycle and I will do as I please. With micro USB chargers everywhere, I will be fine.

If there is one thing I don't like about the battery, it's the time it takes to charge it. From 1:30 to 5:30, I was pretty much charging it up from 0 to 100%.

I guess I am going to demand a new battery.
8 hours out of a smartphone, especially when it's new and you have your hands all over it like a prom date in the backseat, is pretty damned good, people.

Also, if you're doing anything that requires a data connection, and you have WiFi available, ALWAYS ALWAYS (did I mention ALWAYS?) use that if you can (and turn it off if you're not in range of an AP, obviously).

WiFi uses a fraction of the power the 3G radio does, since it's a short range technology (MUCH weaker transmitter) that also doesn't have to do constant handshaking just to stay alive.

And to run the risk of sounding like a broken record, RUN YOUR PHONE DEAD, at least twice, so the damned battery meter is actually somewhat accurate. It doesn't hurt the battery, it just hurts you since you can't play with a dead phone while it's charging.
8 hours out of a smartphone, especially when it's new and you have your hands all over it like a prom date in the backseat, is pretty damned good

8 hours would be nice if I had my settings turned up and used it but today I spent most of the day on the Harley and only used it for a few short phone calls and a few quick Facebook checks.

I'm just upset because I want to use the phone to the capacity it was designed for and for longer than 2 hours. I wonder if there is any way to then the phones brightness lower than stock will let you.
8 hours out of a smartphone, especially when it's new and you have your hands all over it like a prom date in the backseat, is pretty damned good, people.

Also, if you're doing anything that requires a data connection, and you have WiFi available, ALWAYS ALWAYS (did I mention ALWAYS?) use that if you can (and turn it off if you're not in range of an AP, obviously).

WiFi uses a fraction of the power the 3G radio does, since it's a short range technology (MUCH weaker transmitter) that also doesn't have to do constant handshaking just to stay alive.

And to run the risk of sounding like a broken record, RUN YOUR PHONE DEAD, at least twice, so the damned battery meter is actually somewhat accurate. It doesn't hurt the battery, it just hurts you since you can't play with a dead phone while it's charging.
It's actually not very good at all. 8 hours of standby with less than 2 hours of actual usage is just plain abysmal. The phone will lose 10% in an hour just sitting on the table. I'm actually not using it as much as I did my old phone because I don't want to be stuck with a dead battery again like I was last night.
A little better today, with 13 hours and 15 minutes. Still in standby mode 85%-90% of the time. More irked that "Voice Calls" used 5% of my total battery, and I check the stats and says I only used it for 5 minutes.
I'm a noob to Android but thanks to this forum have rooted,edited db to allow for side loaded apps but haven't removed ATT bloatware yet . I fully charged phone last night , left it on all night and 6am still at 100% now almost 9am down to 99%.Only tweak was to get rid of live wallpaper. I'm by no means a power user but do use my phone all day.The only time my battery drains quickly is when I use it to start my truck.:D Just kidding wish I could help you guys but I don't know how. Sorry
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