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Battery Life - The Good The Bad and The Ugly

Does your phone drop 10% quickly in the morning after a full night of charging?

  • Yes

    Votes: 436 79.3%
  • Nope

    Votes: 74 13.5%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 40 7.3%

  • Total voters
I know this is totally subjective based on your usage, but what is the average life I can expect? Do you think it will last all day? I really dont want to have to carry power cords and stuff with me.


Depends on your device and your usage. I have an Evo and I use my stock battery and the phone last all day with moderate use.
If you do not need to use 4G then turn it off. Same goes for the gps if you are not using it.
I have read plenty of post here and they have been very helpful. If you are really concerned about power just carry a spare charged battery with you.

Hope this helps.
Ok so i lost my galaxy S4 and getting a new one soon. In the mean time i always use my HTC EVO 4g as a spare just in case. So i was dredding going back to using this phone since the battery life sucks. Especially the last time i used it. Well to my suprise the battery life is excellent this is to me unheard of since ive never had any good experience with this phones battery. It use to drain 10-12% in 8-10 minutes after taking it off charge and thats not using the phone at all.

Now especially the past couple of days of using it, it drains about 5-6% without any use in 7 hours( im sleeping and phone ofcourse not on charge) and when i play games and so on it drains but no were near as bad as before. The battery is the same stock, since the last time till now i havent used it for 6 months. Was there a new update or something rolled out on the HTC EVO 4g to get the battery life much better then before? last time i read there really is nothing new as far as software for this phone. Sorry if i posted this in the wrong area and for the long message i dont post often so me posting this is rare since im soo shocked.
Are you by chance in flight mode and using WiFi only? data turned off? That often gives me twice as much as I normally get.
The EVO should lose about 1% per hour on standby mode.

That was the norm from back in the day when I had mine as well:)

The reason for the fast discharge when you first took it off the battery is simply because of the way manufacturers used to charge their phones. The phone would charge up to 100%, and then discharge until it reached 90%, at that point it would start charging again and this cycle would continue until you took it off the charger.

The phone would still say 100%, but the battery would actually be anywhere between 90-100%. Thats why you say a quick 10% drop off. The phone was just adjusting to the actual storage of the battery.
after I downloaded Juice Defender, and kept track of my settings, i can easily get a good 8 to 9 hours off of my 2-3 yr old phone, original battery
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