Sorry but for an electrical engineer saying 20W on a 1230mAh is funny to me. Because that number isn't plausible at all... and I haven't had electricity courses for more then 10 years now. You claim a lot of stuff here but can never actually back anything up with evidence.
I actually just realize that you wrote 50 hours with some sort of data-communication constantly on... I personally call that bullshit, or otherwise you're saying that google is lying about the architecture of their OS (which wouldn't make any sense!)
So please make a guide for us to use ATK in a good way and even I will test it (and I advice others to test it too) but I can already tell you now that NOONE
will get 50 hours with data-network constantly on. As far as I know noone has ever got that much out of 1 charge (not even close) with moderate use and data on.
Anyway so if your guide is online and we find 3 people here who get the same results I'll keep my mouth shut and apologize, till then I call it BULLSHIT.
As for the 20 watts, I didn't think about the battery at that moment, I just did the calculation with the basis in a plausible number (however, I now realize this might be for a full desktop computer system). So my appologize for giving that wrong figure, I admit it was wrong .
However, as for the number of hours, I'm just telling what I've experienced. Before I started my test, I could use my phone just like I am now, with data communcations constantly on. I'd charge it over night, unplugg it at 10 am. Then it would last for the whole day, the whole night, and the whole following day before I'd charge it at around 7-8 pm. At this time, the phone would still have at least 15% left (meaning, the phone had not complained about the battery level, and "power saver" mode had not kicked in yet). This means from what I recon, the phone would at least be able to last another 4-5 hours, meaning it could have done 50 hours (as I'm charging it at around 46 hours of usage).
I'm just telling my own experience, and from my own usage of the phone. I admit I'm not a heavy user, but I do use my phone. So I'd say I fall under the category moderate user
PS! As for the guide, I do hope people will test it, however, one of the first issues I will take up is the inital conditioning of the battery. If people did not condition their battery on first use, my guide will probably not help them, as my theory (although this I can't directly prove), is that even thought new batteries do not need conditioning to be able to last almost 1 year before changing out the battery, I do believe conditioning the battery does something to its cycle life
EDIT: I was very tired when writing this post. I do appologize. My usage usually is for 40 hours, and I charge my phone at around 34 hour mark with at least 15% juice left