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Root Beats audio

Spike G

Android Enthusiast
Oct 5, 2011
So things around the root forum have been pretty boring this past week, so i figured i'd share some stuff with you that i've found kicking around.

First one, the Beats Audio port for all android devices-
(MOD)(PORT)Beats Audio&Xloud(2.3+up)03/03/12 - xda-developers
EternityProject Team ported this to all android devices. so this potentially clarifies your listening experience on your phone

Second one i found is no where near as cool but its very useful... Android Commander
some of you may already use it, or at least know what it is, but essentially, its a user interface for ADB, browse root files easy, capture screenshots, control your phones buttons/screen ect. it also signs apk files if you need to

Lets put this root to good use!

I've been learning more about Pax Christos since this forum has been dead since the last update. Interesting stuff.

Other than that, does that beats audio thing work? Seems the thread is a bunch of people saying it works, then some people saying they can't tell and they want proof.

And I found tapatalk for free from reading that thread.
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I've been learning more about Pax Christos since this forum has been dead since the last update. Interesting stuff.

Other than that, does that beats audio thing work? Seems the thread is a bunch of people saying it works, then some people saying they can't tell and they want proof.

And I found tapatalk for free from reading that thread.

You've been learning more about me? that's kinda creepy :p
I hope that you've been learning more from me :p

The audio thing probably depends on the users hearing (not everybody has perfect hearing, and that influences the frequencies heard.)
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i googled pax christos and went to the first link. it's all stuff i pretty much knew of, just didn't know the details of. I ordered that Q book off of amazon.

Ahh, I see, in all honesty, it's my gamer tag that I've used for probably the last 12 years. It was (originally) a corruption of pax Romania I tweaked to reflect my personal faith, without actually looking into the history behind it. (I have no clue what the Q book that you're referring to is about)
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