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Beautiful Widgets weather not updating

My widget is working great, but I'm noticing an increase in battery usage. I haven't changed anything else on my phone. Anyone else experiencing the same?
My battery won't even last 12 hours when it used to last a day and a half. I removed BW until there's an update for this. I installed Weather & Toggle widget, but I'm afraid that's going to run into the Google update problem. Ugh.

edit: Weather & Toggle widget is updating fine. No problems.
I had the same problem after the downloaded updates yesterday of the clock not updating.

I deleted the widget and re-added...everything seems to be okay now. :confused:
I took it off, put it back on, thought it was ok, but now the clock is about 15mins behind the phone's system clock.

And yes, it's draining my battery faster too.

Taking it off 'til the next update...
I've been using BW for several months now, but at present, like a number of you it's off the phone until they fix it. Time was incorrect, and not updating, and more importantly, with it installed I could almost watch the battery draining before my very eyes!!!
Ut oh .. just downloaded the most recent version this morning and the temp is now stuck at 67 degrees where at the accu weather site it says 75 and the HTC weather widget is saying 75 degrees as well

Did an uninstall and reinstalled and reset all my info and rebooted the phone. The temp changed to 85 degrees which is still wrong.

Ok, went into setting and went to the set location. I was using the geolocation button which did find my location as being Modesto. On a whim I decided to set the location manually. Seems like that did the trick as the temperature changed to the correct reading. Not sure why the geolocation did not work. Even using the Force GPS function found my correct location but the temperature failed to change.

Another thing I noticed was when I was using the geolocation button and tapped on the 5-day forecast at the button the accu weather site came up with the weather for Midpines, CA and not Modesto, CA. After typing in the location manually the accu weather site came up correctly with the Modesto weather.

I decided to try the geolocation button once again and sure enough the temp changed to an incorrect figure and I tapped on the 5-day and accu weather once again brought up the Midpines, CA weather.

I guess I will stick with setting the location manually for the time being. I do not travel much but having the geolocation setting would be nice in the case I ever did any traveling and the weather location would change accordingly.

I am not sure how the widget actually works. I am assuming the the widget takes the coordinates from the phone location and send those to the accuweather site which in turns send the weather data for those coords to the phone. If that is the case maybe accuweathers geolocation database is out of whack but I am not sure what could have changed with the build. The build prior to 3.04 worked fine.
Mine seems to be working okay for the time being. The battery usage isn't quite as bad (still more than before the 3.x upgrade). I've noticed that the widget takes awhile to update though after waking up the phone.
Just did some investigating here . Coods for Modesto, CA is approx 37 degrees 40' N 120 degrees 58' W and Midpines, CA is 37 degrees 32' N 119 degree 55' W. Almost exactly a full degree off in longitude.
I rebooted.
I contacted the developer.
How do you contact them? I don't see any contact info on their webpage.

Just started using this and I'm finding weather isn't updating reliably at the standard interval. Sometimes it does update and sometimes it can go hours past the interval without. Once it stops updating, I'm not sure it ever gets unstuck unless I manually update.

And by updating, I mean that the widget doesn't match accuweather.com

Maybe it's not updating properly when the phone sleeping or something?

Any ideas?
Is it just me or is this broken again? My weather not update on any regular basis. I have it set to update every 1/2 hour, but I am lucky to see it update a couple times a day. Even if I refresh the weather it will not update. :(
There's something wrong besides just Beautiful Widgets. Even if I switch to Google or the standard HTC Weather/Clock widget, it's not updating properly. It also only says "current location" rather than a city. I believe this is beyond BW.
Is it just me or is this broken again? My weather not update on any regular basis. I have it set to update every 1/2 hour, but I am lucky to see it update a couple times a day. Even if I refresh the weather it will not update. :(
I'm having the same issue.
I have the Droid X and would like to have my homescreen look like my old Eris, but Id like to make sure this works before i spend money on it

Try Weather & Toggle Widget. Very HTC like (use the H7C) skins. Works really nice so far. You can buy and refund if you don't like. Seems to have more tweaks than BW.
Try Weather & Toggle Widget. Very HTC like (use the H7C) skins. Works really nice so far. You can buy and refund if you don't like. Seems to have more tweaks than BW.

Does this have a "smaller" version that takes up less screen real estate?
I've downloaded all the updates and don't seem to be having any problems at all...updates every 30 min just fine on my BH2.
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