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Beautiful Widgets weather not updating

I updated my BW about 2 hours ago and the temp correctly changed. I have the refresh interval set for 30 minutes. I turned it on now and the temp has changed. I tapped the weather, hit the menu button and hit "info". It opens the Accuweather page and it says the temp is 90 degrees. BW is showing 88. So I refresh the weather and it doesn't change.

Anyone else's BW still not working right?
Everything seems to be working as it should on my Incredible. The weather matches on the widget with the forecast page. My live wallpaper is raining with lightning just like it is outside. The temp is also consistent with the weather on the google genie news/weather apk.
Mine only seems to update if I tap the weather icon and go to the 5-day forecast page, then hit "refresh". Then the temp changes. I have mine set to update every 1/2 hour.

I sent another email to the dev. I will let you know if I get a response.
I rebooted.
I contacted the developer.
They responded that I should exclude it from task killers (I don't use any)
They responded that I should allow scrolling widgets in LauncherPro (I already do).

The time does NOT update unless I manually refresh the weather.
I rebooted.
I contacted the developer.
They responded that I should exclude it from task killers (I don't use any)
They responded that I should allow scrolling widgets in LauncherPro (I already do).

The time does NOT update unless I manually refresh the weather.

Now that you mention it...I notice my time doesn't update either... WTF?
My current time, 4:12pm, Beautiful Widgets' (doesn't matter which widget I choose) time:

3:53pm (in big freakin' letters no less on the screen).

Geez, people fix your buggy applications or offer refunds for this beta testing we're doing for you.
Are you using a particular widget.

What are the settings you're using? I'll try yours and see if mine updates.

I am using the smaller home weather widget.

I have the geolocation box checked in the Set Location area.

I have weather set up to auto update every 2 hours as I just make it a habit to update manually when I boot up.

I use 24 hour format although that should make no difference.

Guess I should mention that I am not running any task managers and I am running stock HTC Sense.
There are new versions available for download today of :
beautiful widgets
beautiful weather wallpaper

They both use accuweather.com for weather info. It's updating properly for me now. :)
you know, I know I saw that this morning somewhere when I was setting this up, because I thought it was a strange setting, but for the life of me, I dont remember where I saw it..Unless it was in a different weather widget I tried this morning, which is possible,
I have been playing with this thing so much to day, I forgot all the things I did to it!
I ended up getting my money back on this application. After ONE email response with nothing but unhelpful and generic answers, the application does NOT work as advertised. How they could go all the way to version 3.01 and have such a basic issue as time not updating on skins is beyond me.

I ended up buying and am using Time and Widget widget and what a HUGE difference. They even have a contingency if the time isn't updating as expected. How is it another application that has MUCH MORE skins and icons and other types of choices works as advertised and yet, Beautiful Widgets not only doens't work, but the developers answer in absolutely no helpful way possible?
I ended up buying and am using Time and Widget widget and what a HUGE difference. They even have a contingency if the time isn't updating as expected. How is it another application that has MUCH MORE skins and icons and other types of choices works as advertised and yet, Beautiful Widgets not only doens't work, but the developers answer in absolutely no helpful way possible?

Just got the update to beautiful widgets. I must say I loved the app the before. But the new menu's are AWESOME. It's accurate and up-to-date now. I have had it for over a month and didn't want to fight to get my money back.

But out of curiosity: What the names of the widgets you bought? I searched the market and I couldn't find either one...I'd be interested in seeing them.

EDIT - its been a few hours since i updated beautiful widgets and now things are not going so hot. the weather is updating my time clock is not
I tried downloading beautiful widgits and I paid for it, but then it won't install in my phone! Got my refund. Not sure what happened. I wanted to try it.
I have the Droid X and would like to have my homescreen look like my old Eris, but Id like to make sure this works before i spend money on it
The new version today has fixed my clock not updating. Everything is working fine now.
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