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best facebook widget available!!


Extreme Android User
LauncherPro Plus has been updated and now includes the Facebook widget. It looks just as nice as all the other widgets in LauncherPro Plus and is the best FB widget available IMHO. I really like the look of it and it pulls your wall for all posts, not just friends like the Facebook app widget does.
LauncherPro Plus has been updated and now includes the Facebook widget. It looks just as nice as all the other widgets in LauncherPro Plus and is the best FB widget available IMHO. I really like the look of it and it pulls your wall for all posts, not just friends like the Facebook app widget does.

how do you update??
I totally agree. Seems very stable so far, looks just as good as HTC's friend stream with the transparency, and it's easy to "like" and comment on posts. Deinstalled FB for Android :D
how do you update??

Go to the market to your downloads and update it. If you haven't paid for LauncherPro Plus you have to go to the website and purchase through paypal. You have to pay for plus to get the widgets.

I totally agree. Seems very stable so far, looks just as good as HTC's friend stream with the transparency, and it's easy to "like" and comment on posts. Deinstalled FB for Android :D

I kept FB for Android, but only because I can't upload pics without it. When it is not installed I no longer have the FB option when I try to share a photo. I never touch the actual app or widget though.
Just looked and it says theres an update for LauncherPro but not launcherproplus? is that the one? Downloading now, will post will results in a sec
Just looked and it says theres an update for LauncherPro but not launcherproplus? is that the one? Downloading now, will post will results in a sec

Yep, LauncherPro Plus is not in the market because the developer lives in a country that doesn't have paid apps, but if you have paid for launcherpro plus the update to launcherpro adds everything
How do you get the plus features if it isn't available on the market? Is it purchasable within the app itself? Is it a key you have to buy online?
How do you get the plus features if it isn't available on the market? Is it purchasable within the app itself? Is it a key you have to buy online?

You buy from the website through pay pal and are then sent an unlock key. In the preferences of launcherpro you should be able to click on buy unlock key or something like that near the bottom.
The new features and widgets for Launcher Pro and Pro Plus make this an amazing home replacement.

Any of you asking where to buy the Plus version (unlocks all the widgets) can find the information here. I encourage anyone that likes this to purchase the Plus version even if you won't use the widgets as a way of donating and supporting a very hard working developer. Federico really puts a lot into this and is trying to make this the best launcher on the market.

The Plus version also comes with a People/Contacts (2 styles), Bookmarks (4 styles), Sms messaging (2 styles), twitter (1 style) and now Facebook.

The FB widget is great, I have push email notifications for comments etc, so don't need that functionality from the widget. The two together are the best Facebook experience I've yet had on a phone.
Launcher Pro is fantastic and even better with the new FB widget - one question ... is there a way to resize the font within the widget?
The FB widget is great, I have push email notifications for comments etc, so don't need that functionality from the widget. The two together are the best Facebook experience I've yet had on a phone.

Iv'e turned off facebook from syncing with my phone as i didnt like the way it added all my facebook "friends" to my contact lists so this widget is great for me. I'll guess ill do what you have done and set facebook to email me notifications then i can just switch to the widget and see whats been said. If the designer could add notifications into the widget it would be amazing.
For notifications I went on Facebook and subscribed via sms for the people I want to know when they post, email works too if that is what you prefer. between this widget and sms notifications it is great using Facebook on my X now!
Thanks for the tip about sms, do they charge you for that service? how does it work? does it just appear like a normal text message?
Thanks for the tip about sms, do they charge you for that service? how does it work? does it just appear like a normal text message?

They do not charge, so if you have an unlimited texting plan you are all good. It appears from 32665*** (*** is a different number for each thread). Go to facebook.com on your computer and in account settings go to mobile to set it up. You can set quite times, max # of messages per day, and what you want an SMS for.
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