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Accessories Best portable charging station! Never be without battery again!


Is battery life withholding your compulsive desire to check your e-mail for the 22nd time today? LOOK NO FURTHER.

I recently purchased the New Trent "imp1000"! For those unaware as to what this is, it's a portable universal charging station that holds 11000mah worth of charge! What's even better, is that its only about the size of a fat wallet! You could totally put it in your front pocket if you wanted, but I'm sure people will hide their children from you.

It can charge all your primary electronics many, many times over (Epic is only 1500mah) and it comes packaged with adapters for each (iPod, other phones, etc.)! With 11000mah it can nearly, if not fully charge and entire laptop as well! I haven't seen an adapter for that though (I'm sure you can get one). With this sort of capacity you could charge your whole family's set of smart-phones and still have charge to spare! Not only that, it looks pretty sleek.

This is perfect for people who lose charge on a long car ride or carry around messenger bags (or whatever) to store the Trent station in. The imp1000 is very small but, as I said, not entirely suitable for the pocket. New Trent sells smaller varieties of their chargers with less capacity to better suit your purposes and look less suspicious in your pants.

Now I can get the full usage out of my Epic 4g without worrying about browsing youtube too long while I'm out.

I've tested it on my phone after fully de-charging it. It took around 3.5 hours (possibly less) to gain full charge! Pretty great!

It's currently on sale for $85.95 ($44 savings).

Ultimate Battery Pack for IPhone IPad - New Trent IMP1000

Sorry for the salesman like writing style. I can't help myself when I talk about this thing, hahaa.

Sounding like a "real" consumer from the internet.

Yeh, I bought this for myslf. It's way cool. I used it on my phone the other day and it took only like 3 hours to chage. I showed it to my girlfriend and she was like, "that's lame, where's the makeup". Howverr, she is the lame one <-lol.;

It came with a bunch of cords for ipods and stuff but I only use it on my phone because my boss has an opod and I hate my boss. It has a lot of a batteries in it. The site said something like 11000mah which sounded really homo-robotic so I'll just say it has lots of juice. You can totally use the juice to charge your phone like a bunch of times before the thing runs out which is really cool and you can let other people use it when you carry it around with you so you are like the life of the party and stuff. You can pull it out at your battery party and be like, "dudes, charge up." and they will and they will totally love you for it. True story.
This seriously reads like f&cking spam. And although i'd like to believe that you are a "real" consumer, you probably work/affiliated with this product, so your review is worthless. But thanks for sharing, I guess?

Btw: for $50, you could buy 10 spare batteries. Each battery being the size of a packet of matches. So i don't see the point of this.
This seriously reads like f&cking spam. And although i'd like to believe that you are a "real" consumer, you probably work/affiliated with this product, so your review is worthless. But thanks for sharing, I guess?

Btw: for $50, you could buy 10 spare batteries. Each battery being the size of a packet of matches. So i don't see the point of this.

Yeh, does sound kinda like spam, so I edited it. Anyways the Trent can be used on a lot of different things (other brands of phones, ipod, ipad, laptop) which part of the charm. And... if you wanted to match the Trent in a portability sense you would have to carry around your said 10 charged batteries which would be kindaaaaa inconvenient. But... yeh I guess the advantage is you would just open your briefcase of batteries and pop one into your phone for an instant renewal.

Anyways why would a Trent rep make weird references to chubs in your pants. UNLESS I'M THE WORST PR GUY EVER. WHO KNOWS???
Yeh, does sound kinda like spam, so I edited it. Anyways the Trent can be used on a lot of different things (other brands of phones, ipod, ipad, laptop) which part of the charm. And... if you wanted to match the Trent in a portability sense you would have to carry around your said 10 charged batteries which would be kindaaaaa inconvenient. But... yeh I guess the advantage is you would just open your briefcase of batteries and pop one into your phone for an instant renewal.

Anyways why would a Trent rep make weird references to chubs in your pants. UNLESS I'M THE WORST PR GUY EVER. WHO KNOWS???

Lmao dude your hilarious. But yea that thing is kinda cool, personally id rather just get 1 spare battery.
I have actually been eye-balling this for a little bit....and plan on buying one. I was on vacation with some friends a few weeks back and a buddy had something similar for his iPhone, so I began looking for one myself and came across the Trent. From what I read....and I am a research freak...it's seems to be about as good as any of these types of power supplies can get.

I have picked up a couple of extra batteries...but due to the fact that I carry a man-purse ;-) I think having the extra power source will be pretty convenient for me. I actually find charging the extra batteries a bit of a pain...but I guess I could try to find a seperate battery charger for them (if such a thing exists).

Anyway....this seems like a perfect solution for guys like me who don't mind carrying extra stuff. I definitely can see that this would not be a good option if you prefer to go minimilist.

My .02 cents. :)

Sorry, but for a 1/3 of the price I'll take the Tekkeon TekCharge and a 4pk of Eneloop AA's. Coming in at 8000mAh. And could always buy a 2nd 4pk and have them charged.

Dimensions: 3.2" x 2.5" x 0.7"
The Trent: 4" x 3.875" x 1.25"
Sorry, but for a 1/3 of the price I'll take the Tekkeon TekCharge and a 4pk of Eneloop AA's. Coming in at 8000mAh. And could always buy a 2nd 4pk and have them charged.

Heyyy pretty interesting solution! Definitely is cheaper. Those are some nice batteries having purportedly a 1000 charges worth in 'em.

EDIT: Upon further reading it has some serious reliability issues involving the unit failing and even melting. While there have been plenty of positive reviews as well, I'd be concerned hooking that up to my phone.
I've had mine for over a year. I use eneloops and usually charge them in a lacrosse charger. If I charge in the case I use a 1amp usb charger and hve even used my latop while traveling. Have never had any issues.
if you look at the reviews of this product line on amazon use see multiple "buyers" using identical verbiage, which means that not only is the maker or seller spamming here (and really committing a fraud by posing as a costumer) but they routinely fake their own customer reviews on Amazon as well.

That makes me seriously doubt their claimed specs and performance, not to mention making them just plain xxxholes.
: Upon further reading it has some serious reliability issues involving the unit failing and even melting. While there have been plenty of positive reviews as well, I'd be concerned hooking that up to my phone.
As newtrent has melted many devices. why are you recommendation them?

You do know New Trent dba newtrent.com has an "F" with the Better Business Bureau for harming devices right?
As newtrent has melted many devices. why are you recommendation them?

You do know New Trent dba newtrent.com has an "F" with the Better Business Bureau for harming devices right?

I'm not trying to justify my purchase but I only saw one "melting battery" complaint with regards to the trent on Amazon, at least as far as I saw. The F on the BBB doesn't look so hot though lol... can't really dispute that, but it has an F because of poor customer service and lack of sufficient data, not because of shoddy product. Thanks for the heads up on the BBB though VERY INTERESTING... Where did you find the other melting reviews or worse, damaged charged device?
Do you understand the difference between "current" and "capacity"?

It'll charge with a current of 800ma. The capacity of the batteries is 2000mAh each x 4 = 8000mAh. Capacity of the Epic battery is 1500mAh. So you can fully charge the Epic 5 times with 500mAh to spare before needing a recharger.

From Amazon:

Product Features

  • The maximum output current for MP1550 is 800mA. It is not recommended to charge your device that requires higher than 800mA
800 - not 8000?
Do you understand the difference between "current" and "capacity"?

It'll charge with a current of 800ma. The capacity of the batteries is 2000mAh each x 4 = 8000mAh. Capacity of the Epic battery is 1500mAh. So you can fully charge the Epic 5 times with 500mAh to spare before needing a recharger.

Gotcha - Thanks!!!
i'd prefer something like this also to save from having to pop open the back panel (the skeptic in me feels the snapping mechanism would give out too soon).

the solar ones look interesting too.
I am back on board with the New Trent IMP1000. I figure if I have an issue and they don't stand behind the product....I can hop in my car and drive 40 minutes to their headquarters! ;-)

I just don't see the point in dropping that kind of coin. To me it's just oversized and overpriced. If I need that kind of backup power I'm most likely in a position I don't need to put it in my pocket. It's going in a bag, briefcase or something. If I need to put something in my pocket, I'm most likely not going to be in a position I need to charge my phone seven times over and will go with something smaller.
Id rather just fork out 100 bones and buy the sparq from Zagg. A good quality product from a good quality company. That thing is badd! hoping it comes as a stocking stuffer this christmas from santa man
From Amazon:
The maximum output current for MP1550 is 800mA. It is not recommended to charge your device that requires higher than 800mA800 - not 8000?
Do you understand the difference between "current" and "capacity"?

It'll charge with a current of 800ma. The capacity of the batteries is 2000mAh each x 4 = 8000mAh. Capacity of the Epic battery is 1500mAh. So you can fully charge the Epic 5 times with 500mAh to spare before needing a recharger.
Both not exactly correct I think. The AA batteries you use are 1.4 volts and in series, so for 5 volt amperage it is the mean of the batteries, not the sum. good 1.4 v AAs are 2000 to 2200 ma. that is the actual capacity.
I use a Do%20you%20understand%20the%20difference%20between%20%22current%22%20and%20%22capacity%22?%20%20It%27ll%20charge%20with%20a%20current%20of%20800ma.%20The%20capacity%20of%20the%20batteries%20is%202000mAh%20each%20x%204%20=%208000mAh.%20Capacity%20of%20the%20Epic%20battery%20is%201500mAh.%20So%20you%20can%20fully%20charge%20the%20Epic%205%20times%20with%20500mAh%20to%20spare%20before%20needing%20a%20recharger.[/QUOTE]"]four battery to usb I bought from monoprice for like $1.99. I use four envelopes which give me 2200 mah @5v (4x1.4v @2200 mah in series) . essentially it is the lazy man'se DIY minty.

these backup chargers make sense if you away from car and people in household have different phones or a few different personal devices. I you have several of the same model or just one phone it seems better to simply get a few spare batteries made for the phone
Do you understand the difference between "current" and "capacity"?

It'll charge with a current of 800ma. The capacity of the batteries is 2000mAh each x 4 = 8000mAh. Capacity of the Epic battery is 1500mAh. So you can fully charge the Epic 5 times with 500mAh to spare before needing a recharger.

Uhm, your math isn't quite right. Or, to paraphrase your own quote: "Do you understand the difference between current and power?"

The AA batteries you are referring to are 2000mA, BUT AT 1.25V. The IMP880 (and most other USB-based power bricks) are rated at <whatever> mA BUT AT 5V.

The phone in question -- Epic4G -- requires a 5V source. Those 4AA's, even if they really are capable of 2000mA when brand new, are only going to supply 5V (4 x 1.25) when used together in series... so you have exactly 2000mA at 5V to charge with. Even if you had 100% efficiency in the transfer of power from batteries to phone (no heat at all from the batteries when they discharge? Right.), that will allow one full charge, plus about 1/3 left over.

Compared to the IMP880, which purportedly has 8900ma AT 5V, and therefore can charge the Epic4G battery almost *6* times over.

So when you actually compare the real numbers, things look a bit different. I don't own the IMP880, so I don't have a dog in this fight, but I thought it should be pointed out that apples should compared with apples, that's all.

EDIT: I just noticed that Aero1 already pointed out the AA "used in series" thing, although Aero1 was much more subtle about calling it out. :^)
Calling it out? No. He was being nice, and you were being an ass. My 'understand' question came off a little rude even though it wasn't meant to be. Didn't think I had to get technical to just show a difference between battery capacity and the current to charge the battery.

And thanks for reading 'all" the posts before giving your two cents. At least the technical aspect was worth reading. If you really want to get technical we could just test everyone's individual AA's to get the actual capacity and then do the math.

Regardless, it's still a cheaper and easier option than the trent. Gives you the ability to switch AA's and keep going or have charged AA's for other products. You have the ability to charge via a mini usb connector and don't need a device specific cable to charge. It's one thing I don't like about my duracell charger. I need their cable to charge.
Damn, bad idea for me to jump the gun and buy the duracell instant charger......

not if you are o.k. with some soldering :)

all you have to do is change the end connector

but about "charging maths" you forgot one other thing, and thats is you also have current losses, the best answer to "how many times can i charge my phone?" question is: you have to try.

also, connecting 4 NiMH AA's in series won't do... at least not for my phone (samsung galaxy), answer why..very complicated
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