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Root Best Rom backup method?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2010
Just curious what you guys do. I have been using CWR to create backups and then moving them to my PC to free up SD space. Only thing is, if I cant remember which Rom I was using on that date then it's pretty much useless.
Wanna try to backup with RomManager but Ive been hearing some negative comments about this app.
I use RM on two devices to manage backups and it as always worked great.

I DO boot into recovery to make that backup to watch for errors and then rename it from RM to something that makes sense. By default a name consisting of date/time is used. I prefer to call it something that makes sense. You have to make sure you don't use spaces or other invalid characters in the name tho.

This is very old, but an example of what my backups look like:


On my tablet, I use RM to check ratings of nightly CM7 builds and download them and Google apps, but still install from recovery.
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