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best twitter app

Twidroid Pro seems to be the most popular among the people I know. It isn't free, but it's very very good.
when I do a search, two versions show up, the free version (Touiteur) and the paid version (Touiteur Premium, for 1.99 euros)
i would love toutier but the fact it doesnt have a save search or search user option makes it not for me...

seesmic im having trouble with -- it says i have 8+ favorites on my profile but theres nothing there, i deleted them weeks ago and it hasnt changed
the apps sync with twitter, and you have to have an account to follow stuff.

I don't know about this... I have Twitterrific on my iPod touch, and I can definitely follow anyone. When I launch, I get the sign in screen, and there is an option to "try out with no account." It also saves my previous searches, thus compiling a group of people to follow through the app itself.
now that I have the Desire ROM loaded, the Friend Stream widget is useful, as it shows Twitter and Facebook streams together... But not good enough to replace Touiteur, but still a useful addition...

PS - Touiteur up to 1.14 now... they are just pumping out the updates... nice!
I don't know about this... I have Twitterrific on my iPod touch, and I can definitely follow anyone. When I launch, I get the sign in screen, and there is an option to "try out with no account." It also saves my previous searches, thus compiling a group of people to follow through the app itself.
not familiar with the touch apps, just going by me experience with the droid twitter apps i have found.

i really don't understand the big deal with creating an account, just use a disposable e-mail, and then you're all set to use the app of your choice.
I use twidroid now but i think when tweet deck comes out i will most likely be switching. I love their desktop program and cant wait for the android app to be released.
i kept switching but it came down to seesmic or tweetcaster, then i finally went with tweetcaster after they did the 1.5 update because it has everything now ;p i'd try tourtier again when they add save searches and user search.
i kept switching but it came down to seesmic or tweetcaster, then i finally went with tweetcaster after they did the 1.5 update because it has everything now ;p i'd try tourtier again when they add save searches and user search.

I spoke to the dev and it is on his list of things to do. I'm sticking with Twidroid until Touiteur allows you to set a global colour for tweets, rather than individually. Then I'll probably move over.
I spoke to the dev and it is on his list of things to do. I'm sticking with Twidroid until Touiteur allows you to set a global colour for tweets, rather than individually. Then I'll probably move over.

Is this in his list of things to do for Touiteur?
Ive been using Twidroid but I can't figure out how to find people or look up people Im following or who is following me. Is there a way?
Ive been using Twidroid but I can't figure out how to find people or look up people Im following or who is following me. Is there a way?

I can't remember. Its been awhile since I've used Twidroid.

Switch over to Seesmic. Its faster and has a better UI and easier navigation. You can also add multiple accounts. It uses up less internal memory. Oh, and did I mention it is free?!?!

Sent from my Cliq XT using Tapatalk
now that I have the Desire ROM loaded, the Friend Stream widget is useful, as it shows Twitter and Facebook streams together... But not good enough to replace Touiteur, but still a useful addition...

PS - Touiteur up to 1.14 now... they are just pumping out the updates... nice!

Just wanted to make sure (prehaps because it's really late and I should be sleeping so sorry if this sounds stupid) Friend Stream is web based right not text based?
I'm going to receive my first Android device this Tues/Weds (reluctantly giving up my blackberry) and I'm trying to pick apps to install once I get it, so naturally the topic of this thread caught my eye because a good Twitter app will be one of the first apps I install. I've checked out the websites for the popular apps listed in this forum, but they don't always show a complete feature list.

Can anybody tell me which Twitter app has the most (if not all) of the following features?

- Tweet Location geotagging of tweets. Not just updating profile location when tweeting, but tagging the actual tweet with the location where the tweet was submitted. (preferrably geotagging, but myloc.me urls are suitable)
- "Tweets near me" that will show tweets within a certain mile radius of my current location gps.
- Saved Searches
- In addition to Trending Topics, a Tag Cloud of recent trending topics over the last 24-48 hours.
- Non-Concurrent Multiple Accounts. I prefer the ability to switch accounts but don't wish to have multiple accounts show up in the same timeline.
- Accept/Block follow requests.

Any input will be greatly appreciated. :)
I also use Seesmic, but honestly I haven't found one yet as good as UberTwitter for BlackBerry. I wrote them about a week ago to request they develop a twitter app for Android, but they said they haven't had the resources to do so.

Anyone else switched over from a BB and had an issue changing twitter apps?
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