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He is senile and befuddled.

He threatens and insults people, and even tells them not to vote for him.

He makes up stories about things that never happened, and was the actual scandal in the Ukraine, not to mention his son.

He is everything that the Democrats claim to be against.
(rich, old, white)

He is pathetic.
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he is not my first choice, but i he is my only choice....now. there is no way we will unseat the current president, if bernie was on top of the ticket. Uncle Joe is going to be our Uniter in Chief. bernie is just as divisive as trump.

.....he gets my vote.
he is not my first choice, but i he is my only choice....now. there is no way we will unseat the current president, if bernie was on top of the ticket. Uncle Joe is going to be our Uniter in Chief. bernie is just as divisive as trump.

.....he gets my vote.

Joe is not a uniter.
He is a panderer.

He just tells groups pf people what they want to hear.

Democrats tend to tell one group something, then tell another group something different.

That is pandering.

I refuse to ever vote for the party of the KKK, the party that voted against every civil rights amendment and act, the party that brought internment camps to the USA for it's own citizens, the party that make our military weaker, and the party that caused the housing market to crash in 2008-9.

The Democrats are the party of divisiveness.

Just look at their mantra, 'Diversity is our strength'.

That says it all right there.

Democrats gain more power when the population is divided anong themselves.

The whole idea that a communist like Bernie is even able to run is ridiculous.

His supporters are not even real communists.
In the 1960's, if you would have told them to give up their phones (if they existed back then) so that they could be sold and the money donated for the greater good, they would have done it.

Try that now with some Bernie Bros.
Bet that they keep their phones.
But they have no problem telling YOU that YOU need to change YOUR lifestyle to help others.

Obama brought more divisiveness to the USA than any other president since Nixon, and maybe more.

At least Nixon got us out of Vietnam.

Now the Democrats are fighting Trump when he wants to pull our troops out of foreign wars.

Funny, because it was the Democrats that refused federal funding to the South Vietnamese, causing the fall after we pulled out.

The lack of historical knowledge produced by our Democrat controlled public school system is astounding.

Of course, history is easy to rewrite/change/forget if no body knows what really happend.

You know what happens when history is not remembered?
It repeats itself.

Look at Democrat run areas.
Some of the worst in the nation.
There are litterally people pooping in the streets and used needles laying around.

Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, etc.
These places were all once prosperous.

Look at them now.
Run by Democrats for decades.

San Francisco has a problem with poop.
In the road, on the sidewalks, even in the aisles of stores.

People just poop, and think nothing of pinchng a loaf wherever.

Democrats always pander to the poor and minorites- but show me somewhere that has improved under their control.

And then, they want to take away the 2nd Amendment?
When the areas they control have the most gun regulation and yet have the most crime?

The areas with less crime problems are the areas where law abiding people can defend themselves.

Two months ago, Democrats were saying that the economy was great because of Obama, not Trump.

Now that they have made this 'new' flu virus into some sort of monster and the economy dips (they tried and failed everything else to destroy Trump) they are suddenly fine with calling it Trump's economy.

When the economy recovers, will they say Obama did that too?

Nothing the Democrats do is good for this nation. Never has been.
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I'm posting here to say this thread is being watched by us to make sure it doesn't get nasty or personal. Just be forewarned that if it does, I'll just lock it and we'll consider appropriate mod actions if appropriate. Thanks.

ok i'm not going to argue when it comes to Democrats vs republicans...that is for another thread. this thread is about Joe Biden.

I think he is unifying the Democratic party, unlike Bernie Sanders. it is good to finally see the party start to speak out in one voice. yeah he has is moments where he stumbles and forget things, but so does the current president. i think he will put together a great cabinet that will help him govern this great country so it will not matter on his quirks.

he has the backing of a lot of folks in Congress with a good rapport from folks across the aisle. this will allow him to get a lot of his agenda accomplished. Bernie's agenda will never pass both houses.

plus i see him attracting votes from people who disliked Clinton that they voted for trump. i think this time around they will vote for Joe. i think he can bring in folks who just do not like trump to his side. he is the perfect moderate to accomplish this. i think voting turn out will be huge. i'm hoping for a larger turn out then in 2018.

my only concern is the virus. i'm not sure how this will affect how folks will turn out to vote or not......hopefully by November this thing will have "flatlined".
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I'm posting here to say this thread is being watched by us to make sure it doesn't get nasty or personal. Just be forewarned that if it does, I'll just lock it and we'll consider appropriate mod actions if appropriate. Thanks.


That is great, because I don't need to get personal in a discussion.
When you have the truth and facts on your side, it is not necessary.
Getting personal is no way to educate. It would only cause animosity, which is not productive.

If the truth and facts can be misconstrued as being 'nasty', then that is the fault of the reader- not the fault of the truth, facts or the writer.

Anything that I take the time to type out in comment or answer is simple enough to verify as valid.

If needed, I can provide sources.
And all in a friendly, informative way.
ok i'm not going to argue when it comes to Democrats vs republicans...that is for another thread. this thread is about Joe Biden.

I think he is unifying the Democratic party, unlike Bernie Sanders. it is good to finally see the party start to speak out in one voice. yeah he has is moments where he stumbles and forget things, but so does the current president. i think he will put together a great cabinet that will help him govern this great country so it will not matter on his quirks.

he has the backing of a lot of folks in Congress with a good rapport from folks across the aisle. this will allow him to get a lot of his agenda accomplished. Bernie's agenda will never pass both houses.

plus i see him attracting votes from people who disliked Clinton that they voted for trump. i think this time around they will vote for Joe. i think he can bring in folks who just do not like trump to his side. he is the perfect moderate to accomplish this. i think voting turn out will be huge. i'm hoping for a larger turn out then in 2018.

my only concern is the virus. i'm not sure how this will affect how folks will turn out to vote or not......hopefully by November this thing will have "flatlined".

He is a liar.
He has been caught multiple times making up outlandish stories.

They cannot all be due to memory.

Not to mention, that it the very reason that he lost the nomination back in the 1980's... he plagerized a speech and then lied about it.
He continues on in this way today, hoping that our memories are worse than his.

Then there is the way that he treats people in person.
It is dispicable.
Anyone else without secret service protection would have been beat down in the street multiple times.

If that was my ol'lady that he called a 'dog faced pony soldier', she would have knocked his sorry, dried up, slow butt out, and all the cameras could show me laughing hysterically.

It is pathetic that Joe and Bernie are the best that the DNC can come up with. Of course, the DNC will sabotage Bernie again- and he will beg his supporters to vote for Biden.

I am not complaining, mind you.
It will be hilarious to watch Trump wipe the floor with either of these dolts.

Here's the funny thing- my ol'lady is a democrat.
And she is furious that Joe is who the DNC has chosen.
She saw how he treated that union member.
She is a union member.

It is very hard to get her to believe that a democrat's only choice in voting is whoever people like George Soros tells you to vote for, but it becomes more obvious as time goes on- unless you have a memory like Biden's.

Bernie cannot hide his communist leanings, and that is why the DNC will not accept him.
Clinton and Joe, and some of the others, are willing to hide thier communist sympathies.
The DNC knows that communism will never fly with American voters. It is not that the DNC is anti-communist, they just know that it is not a platform that will put them into power again.

The only reason that it seems like Joe is 'uniting the party' is because he is the only choice.

That is like getting in a lifeboat with a hole in it, because it is the only lifeboat in an open sea.



And lets's not forget about his recent claims to have been arrested in South Africa.
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I must add "communist" to my "divided by a common language" collection. I keep forgetting that some people in the States use it in a way that would be unrecognisable to Marx or Engles, or Lenin or Mao for that matter. By the standards of most of the world Sanders isn't really even a socialist (the term he uses to describe himself), he's more of a middle of the road social democrat. But to call him a "communist" is an abasement of the languge just as much as calling Trump a "fascist" (a word that also describes a specific political ideology, not just a name to call someone you disagree with).
We will resume in July. So says my President.
What was that about Biden and the Military?

Glad you asked.

I must add "communist" to my "divided by a common language" collection. I keep forgetting that some people in the States use it in a way that would be unrecognisable to Marx or Engles, or Lenin or Mao for that matter. By the standards of most of the world Sanders isn't really even a socialist (the term he uses to describe himself), he's more of a middle of the road social democrat. But to call him a "communist" is an abasement of the languge just as much as calling Trump a "fascist" (a word that also describes a specific political ideology, not just a name to call someone you disagree with).

"The goal of socialism is communism." - Vladimir Lenin

"The goal of socialism is communism." - Vladimir Lenin


I must add "communist" to my "divided by a common language" collection. I keep forgetting that some people in the States use it in a way that would be unrecognisable to Marx or Engles, or Lenin or Mao for that matter. By the standards of most of the world Sanders isn't really even a socialist (the term he uses to describe himself), he's more of a middle of the road social democrat. But to call him a "communist" is an abasement of the languge just as much as calling Trump a "fascist" (a word that also describes a specific political ideology, not just a name to call someone you disagree with).

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He is a liar.
He has been caught multiple times making up outlandish stories.
sorry but anything is better then trump. Biden is our best bet to win the election and take power away from the republicans. all politicians lie. it is a given......talk about lying, trump has made over 16,241 false or misleading claims. https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...e-or-misleading-claims-his-first-three-years/

his speech today was what trump should have said weeks ago:
talk about presidential!!!!!!!!!
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wow looks like Biden is running away with these primaries. his delegate count is now 1132!!!!!!!! bernie has 817. I think the burn needs to quit, pull out of the race and cool down. it is almost certainly over for him.

let the Biden vs trump fight begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"communist", "fascist". I love the name calling in US politics.
i have not really heard those terms here in the US. you hear socialist or democratic socialism when referring to sanders. you will most likely not here anything along those terms when it comes to Biden.
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and the propaganda begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i could find a thousand meme's for trump.

Let’s not. I feel like a father of little children trying to avoid a fight that I know and I see brewing. Whenever the kids were on long trips with us
I could always sense a fight between them before it began. Call it parent sense. Call It Spidey sense. My moderator senses are certainly tingling here. Let’s keep to the issues and avoid Flame baiting. Ty.
sorry but anything is better then trump. Biden is our best bet to win the election and take power away from the republicans. all politicians lie. it is a given......talk about lying, trump has made over 16,241 false or misleading claims. https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...e-or-misleading-claims-his-first-three-years/

his speech today was what trump should have said weeks ago:
talk about presidential!!!!!!!!!
First, that article is so poor that a 12 year old could see that it holds no water.
It lists very few of the thousands of claimed lies and mistatements.

Not to mention that it is full of lies and mistatements itself.

Simply look at the part about the phone call to the Ukraine.
Trump never asked about the investigation into Joe or his son. If memory serves, it was the Ukrainian leader that asked.

Then there is the glaring error of it stating that Joe falsely got the investigator fired.
We know that Joe did this, he is on video bragging about doing it!

Oh, yeah.
Let's quote a president that actually lied, right in front of everyone, every day, especially about things that actually affected Americans individually and as a whole.

We could also look at real misdeeds, as dishonesty is dishonesty.

There has not been a terrorist attack on American soil since I have been president- Barak Obama, days after the Boston Marathon bombing (by terrorists that his administration were warned of, but did nothing about)

If you like your insurance plan, you can keep it - Obama

If you like your doctor, you can stay with your doctor - Obama

The attack on our embassy in Bengahzi was because of a video on Youtube - Obama

When my healthcare plan passes, it will bring the cost of healthcare down for Americans -Obama

Now, why might I be asked, did I choose to pick out a few whopoers told by the previous administration?

Because Sloppy Joe was part of all of it.
Not only is he and his son criminals, he was the vice president of the most corrupt administration in my lifetime, this century, possibly the last century, and maybe even ever.

Obama was on TV every single day, telling lie after lie, and nobody called him on it because if they did then they would be accused of being racist.
sorry but anything is better then trump. Biden is our best bet to win the election and take power away from the republicans. all politicians lie. it is a given......talk about lying, trump has made over 16,241 false or misleading claims. https://www.washingtonpost.com/poli...e-or-misleading-claims-his-first-three-years/

his speech today was what trump should have said weeks ago:
talk about presidential!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like you dont like America very much.

To despise the Republicans- who ended slavery, salvaged the nation, made sure that everyone could vote, and then reinforced these amendments with multiple civil rights acts, won the cold war- really seems odd.

What have Democrats done?
Fought against all of the above.
The KKK, Jim Crow, The Bay Of Pigs, The Cuban Missle Crisis, The Vietnam War- these are what Democrats have brought to the table.
Well, no thanks.
I'm not hungry for any of that.

You have to actually look for history, and not just rely on what CNN and the rest of the mainstream media tell you.

Sloppy Joe is incompetent.
He will probably choose Hillary as a running mate.

Then he would die, or be found incapable.

Then Hillary gets in.

Of course, that won't happen.

Trump will wipe his @$$ with him, because there is no more toilet paper.
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