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Boost Design Signal Errors (WiFi, WiMax, 3G)

So I've had the phone for a little over a month, upgrading from the Optimus V (virgin mobile) that I stuck with for a year..
Overall I'm pretty satisfied with the device; except I've noticed one extremely annoying issue.

When connected to data (any data connection), I often notice the phone will spontaneously disconnect and stay disco'd until I wake the phone up.
This drives me nuts because I download torrents through aDownloader a lot, and my downloads get interrupted and won't resume unless i manually do so.
Is this a common error with anyone else? This seems to be the most notable problem for me so far... only other issues are a lot of apps FC on me (Tango, for instance) that never used to on other ICS devices.

Any info would be appreciated!

(also, my 3g data has been known to swap to 1x a lot, in good signal areas)
Keep in mind our menus are probably a little different. Especially if you are on ICS or JB.

A couple settings to check, I will use my settings menu as a reference:

menu>settings>wireless & networks>wifi settings - hit menu button>advanced>wifi sleep policy - set to never

menu>settings>wireless & networks>mobile networks - enable always on mobile data

I'm not sure if that mobile data setting effects the issue you're having but it would be worth a look. The wifi one for sure will make sure your wifi doesn't disconnect when your screen is off.
thanks for the quick reply!
I've already gone through the motions in my settings.. my wifi doesn't always disconnect when my screen is off, i've seen it flicker back and forth while using it.
Another thing to note; often my wifi signal will display zero bars, even if im standing by my router...then will return to full signal.
all this happens on regular mobile data as well.
Seems like an issue with the radio software perhaps?

i noticed recently that Boost released a system update.. I haven't downloaded it because I'm rooted - and for that reason i don't plan on ever updating. However, does anyone know if the latest OTA from Boost may fix these problems?

im currently running on stock 4.0.3 - software number 1.10.653.2 710RD (PRL and profile have recently been updated)
I kind of have this problem with my 3vo too. It constantly drops wifi signal. I've tried many many things and the only one that fixes the problem temporarily is restarting my router. It only lasts so long. Unfortunately I haven't found a permanent solution to this problem.
i tried resetting the router, it only lasted so long before it got spotty again. I use wifi at home and work so I know it's not just my router. I'm thinking about ROMing it soon to see if there's a difference.
is your evo 3d on virgin? I was going to get that instead but I heard it had a lot of radio problems.
The odd thing about mine is it only happens at home with me... So I assumed mine is a router issue. Is there an option to update prl in your settings somewhere?
everything is updated... except for the latest system update from boost. I was curious if anyone knew if the new OTA has patched the problem.. I'm on 1.10 and i think the most recent one available is 1.11
I'd like to find out for myself, but ill lose root. so I can't update :(
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