Yes, those were the elementary school's idea of a word processor was a pencil. There were not even any pocket calculators. I had to learn algebra and trigonometry by hand. I learned to type in high school on a manual typewriter. We had one telephone in the house that was used by six people, two were my older sisters who talked all the time. There was a phone book which we used to find phone numbers. We used paper road maps to find our way. You got directions from the corner gas station. It took days for letters to be delivered. We saw grandparents four or five times a year when the family took a vacation. There were no air conditioners. Those were the days alright!
Now schools have computers for word processors. My phone has a calculator that can easily calculate trigonometric functions. Now the function of the manual typewriter is contained on the screen of your phone. There is no sharing of a single telephone anymore with just about everyone walking around with their own cell phone or smartphone and finding phone numbers is as easy as looking at your contact list. GPS navigation has done away with paper road maps with electronic voices telling us how to get to our destination, turn-by-turn. Now I can exchange letters in a matter of seconds and even see each other in real time using apps like Skype. These are the days alright!
One thing is for sure...change is coming. It's up to us to make sure the changes are good......

I thank jetx2x for helping to see that the changes he makes are good. This ROM is a wonderful example of a clever mind at work.