Now come on . . .they really cannot do this. Google needs the cash and ads create the cash. It could also be illegal. I have also wondered just how many laws apply to a Google. They pretty much control the web search business, so can they legally ban you if you are not legal?
If Google wants to do some good, they need to ban all torrent sites, ROM sites, and other sites. Let the web masters prove their site is legal and what they link to is legitimate products before their sites can be indexed.
Let's not pick on a LEGITIMATE company like Apple. Apple does nothing illegal. You clearly hate Apple and that is why you posted such a silly idea.
I do not think anyone wants to pick a fight with Apple; it is not smart for business.
No, I don't hate apple, I'm just really sad because they moved away from catering to us techies to the common man, which is actually the most incredibly smart and best direction apple could take.
I've just become rather obsessed with how Steve Jobs was always saying that Google was stealing their ideas, and no doubt they were, but on the flip side, Apple was blatantly taking ideas from google as well, although google didn't raise a huge hoohah over it.
Even though Apple did "take" less ideas from google than google did to Apple, is still doesn't excuse the fact that Apple is accusing google of doing something they are doing themselves.
I was just wondering if Google wanted to suddenly retaliate with force, legally could they stop google from reaching iDevices?
Oh and another question, lets pretend that it was legal. Would that stop many people from buying Apple products? Personally, I think not
EDIT: Just to be clear that I don't hate Apple, iOS is clearly the less fragmented and more user friendly OS compared to Android, and I personally would use iOS as opposed to Android, except for 2 reasons:
Jailbreaking voids warranty (I like playing around with ROMs and stuff)