If you love something, set it free. If it doesn’t come back to you, then it wasn’t meant to be...
If you’re dealing with anything past Oreo, you’re in a pinch.
I had an Oreo phone that literally made me an angry man. To answer, I disabled the lock screen. Not great for security, but hey - as I progressed w/friends helping me to root my phone, I learned that everything from Oreo-forward leans heavily upon the cloud where it resides.
With slower CPUs, it makes life crawl. Answering the phone, w/new ROMs (of course, I only use one at a time) became a nightmare. I had to disable the lock screen, easily done within Settings - but then, the phone would not go to the Phone app UNLESS I hit the phone icon, which made the phone app work (finally).
Most times, the call would go to voicemail before I could answer it. Hence my being angry; I had changed my apps to F-Droid, linked my phone to sync with one of the many servers available for developers, and hoped for the best.
Not long after, my Chinese-made phone gave up the ghost, as it were. I still have an unlocked Alcatel/ZTE to play with, as I love old-school AOSP... but my privacy concerns have sent me over to the other side...
And yes, jail breaking will be my game. I love Android, but they have replaced Microsoft for being top dog when it comes to data mining. Go look at Google’s ratings for their services:
D - D +
I am not one entity in a herd of stupid US sheep. I really pity the rest. It’s time for everyone to start paying attention. I was a Google fan, but they changed their TOS - so goodbye, data privacy. From them, 3rd-party devs, & THEIR ADVERTISERS - which, are no more than data vacuum cleaners... but I digress.
No matter where you are in the world -
Protect your privacy. Stateside, the Privacy Act of 1974 still applies; all one has to do is look at California, and soon, Colorado and myriad others... get smart, & remember that all smartphone users have inalienable rights; though corporate has gone NUTS Stateside since the 2000 election (read your history), you STILL HAVE RIGHTS.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all phone users had better privacy, instead of having to change sync, servers, and apps?
Think about it. I love Android; but now, it’s a Microsoft repeat. Tell all of the dev buddies you know about this. Maybe, just maybe, privacy will once again reign supreme. And don’t give me the business about making money, honey. There are more equitable ways to do that.
It’s the baldfaced truth. No joke. I hope that this will be read. No offense, Google, but I’m only steps away from deleting my Google account. It’s just like the rest of the greed Meisters who only care about the bottom line.
Why worry about your government, when corporate is already going into your data?
My two cents. You can love me, or hate me.