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Root can't playback videos because of shell


Android Enthusiast
shell is at it again... whenever I try to watch a video (whether it be on youtube, instagram, pvstar, or my gallery) I would get that annoying "shell has been granted superuser permissions" popup. It used to not happen before, and I don't know what caused it to start happening. (maybe because I restored from a backup I made...?)
anyway, I switched from the superuser app to SuperSU. I no longer get the annoying popups, but the problem is still there. is there ANYTHING I could possibly do? D: thanks in advance everybody. love the work!
that remibds me, I think it started after I flashed the bootanimation enabler, but I don't know :/
this happens for many reasons but on is if u have both superuser and SuperSU installed.
remove them both and only install the one u wish to use. This is sort of like having 2 antivirus softwares on one computer, they counter-*** each other
You should check the log in your superuser ap. It will tell you what keeps accessing root. Uninstall that app. Nothing should ever be spamming for root access. Especially when it's not the running app. That's usually the first sign of a virus
My girl is getting a similar problem. Tons of 'shell has been granted superuser' which ends up freezing the phone and makes her have to reboot. I'm gonna be home late tonight so of I can find a way to reproduce it, I'll logcat it tomorrow and see what's up, but in the su log it just shows a ton of entries for 'shell' (no app associated with it)

The only other time in have seen this is with cm/paranoid android/aokp/etc when a bug report is being generated.
My girl is getting a similar problem. Tons of 'shell has been granted superuser' which ends up freezing the phone and makes her have to reboot. I'm gonna be home late tonight so of I can find a way to reproduce it, I'll logcat it tomorrow and see what's up, but in the su log it just shows a ton of entries for 'shell' (no app associated with it)

The only other time in have seen this is with cm/paranoid android/aokp/etc when a bug report is being generated.

Yeah, that's what I'm getting too. I tried multiple superuser apps, I tried updating the binary on all of them, and the only app that gives me the prompts is the superuser app by ChainsDD. the weird thing is, I no longer get them when I open voltage control like I used to
Have you guys tried going to the SuperSU app and deleting all the multiple shell entries but one, and on the one entry open it's properties and hit the option for Deny access and see if that fixes it?? Kinda interested to see if that disables it from hindering the system at that point... :)

SuperSU doesn't have any shell entries. even if I switch from superuser from before.. well for me anyway... I don't think the deny/grant makes a difference. I used to get denied on my warp sequent when I used that for a few months and it still lagged out the phone
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