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Help Can't send sms messages - can receive them OK

Hey Dennis. Thankyou so much for your posts. I know its an old thread but, I updated the firmware on my phone about 4 days ago and I was unable to send texts. I didn't even try until today. I sent my sister a text earlier today and once I was done writing my looooong text I sent it and got back a message that said failed. I thought it was the firmware that was faulty I was about to reflash it and lose all my info again. So I decided to google it and you post came out first. Anyway's problem fixed. Thankyou
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Hello guys,

If you encounter a problem in changing the SMSC number in Android that means you have to convert the format of the service center number (+13123149810) to Hexadecimal PDU. You can do it here:

Online PDU Encoder and Decoder | Open Source @ twit88.com

For example, for +13123149810, the conversion produces 07913121139418F0. Once you insert this code into SMSC, click Update, then refresh. You should see the code in SMSC. You do not have to reboot the system. As long as you can see 07913121139418F0 in SMSC, you should be fine. DO NOT REBOOT, just close the 4636 menu (I mean go back) and begin to send SMS :)

Thanks everybody!

FYI: I changed my launcher using SGS tools to the "Faster TouchWhiz by GTG" and could not send SMS messages, but could recieve. I had to go into settings from the stock messaging app and change the message service center from "none" to the AT&T number +13123149810 and then REBOOT.
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I have been everywhere (xda, google, here, bing, and yahoo) and had no luck finding help. I went two weeks sending MMS to respond to SMS because I have a lot of people depending on me to get them information. You sir are my hero. I flashed, restored, reset, removed, replaced my sim, pulled out hair, cussed and gave up then I found this. THANK YOU!!!
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