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Captivate - List of issues

I have an issue where, depending on which application I launch, the system volume will reset to the maximum setting, even if the phone's on silent mode. I just had this happen to me at work - Silent Mode enabled and I launched the Navigation App, which reset the volume "click" noises to their max levels.

It's minor, but repeatable, and frustrating.
Right, buy electronics based on what you hope the manufacturer will do instead of what it does now.

No, I buy my electronics based on what my research tells me is the device I'm most likely to enjoy for the longest period of time. I've been waiting for the Galaxy S for months - the only other phone I remotely considered was the Dell Streak, and they've dragged their feet so badly with that launch that we'll likely have Froyo before AT&T even stocks the Streak. For how I use my phone, the Captivate works great for me.

Personally, I'm wondering why you continue to post here and repeatedly stir up trouble. You indicated that the Captivate was an impulse buy, and within a week, you had 'gave up' and decided your need for instant gratification exceeded your need for common sense and you went with an iPhone. The few posts you made while you did have the Captivate indicated that you were clueless on how to use it, and there's no indication that you made any attempts to 'condition' the battery before dismissing it as poor. You can't blame Samsung for your lack of research or knowledge, though it is somewhat amusing to watch you try.

BTW, I'd expect better of an MBA student than to make apples to oranges comparisons. It's ludicrous to compare hardware defects on a TV with software issues on a phone (or even a computer). Then again, considering how little you seem to know about the Android operating system, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
The only issue I've had with my Captivate is the random shutdown issue which I have attributed to Beautiful Widgets Home Weather. When that's running, occasionally my phone will not wake. I installed the APK for Fancy Widget and no more issues. My battery life initially wasn't the best until I disabled Live Wallpaper. Now it's fine as long as I can keep my hands off it. :D GPS was barely working out of the box until I followed the guide on changing GPS settings. Now it's just dandy. Ok, so a couple issues, but nothing that is a deal breaker for me. I definitely don't miss my iPhone 3G.
GPS really seems to be the only serious issue at hand. All other problems you listed can typically be taken care of with a little tweaking and/or 3rd party apps.
No, I buy my electronics based on what my research tells me is the device I'm most likely to enjoy for the longest period of time. I've been waiting for the Galaxy S for months - the only other phone I remotely considered was the Dell Streak, and they've dragged their feet so badly with that launch that we'll likely have Froyo before AT&T even stocks the Streak. For how I use my phone, the Captivate works great for me.

Personally, I'm wondering why you continue to post here and repeatedly stir up trouble. You indicated that the Captivate was an impulse buy, and within a week, you had 'gave up' and decided your need for instant gratification exceeded your need for common sense and you went with an iPhone. The few posts you made while you did have the Captivate indicated that you were clueless on how to use it, and there's no indication that you made any attempts to 'condition' the battery before dismissing it as poor. You can't blame Samsung for your lack of research or knowledge, though it is somewhat amusing to watch you try.

BTW, I'd expect better of an MBA student than to make apples to oranges comparisons. It's ludicrous to compare hardware defects on a TV with software issues on a phone (or even a computer). Then again, considering how little you seem to know about the Android operating system, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

It's quite amusing that you think those who swap a captivate for an iphone lack common sense.

The iPhone, be it software, hardware, or aesthetics, is superior to the Captivate to me right now. Therefore, I am getting an iPhone 4. Additionally, if you want to check ebay, the iPhone is currently going for about $600+ while the captivate is around $400. So, in about 2 months, if Froyo and samsung do fix everything, and I want a captivate, I can easily switch and pay nothing.

BTW, the point was that when I buy something, whether it is hardware or software problems, I expect it to work now, not a month or two from now. This is called common sense, not some ridiculous need for instant gratification.

If you absolutely MUST have an android phone, get off on tinkering with your phone all day, and don't mind waiting on the chance that the problems with the phone get fixed, fine. That's you personal preference (and in my opinion a dumb one) but it in no way makes anyone else's wrong. Stop pulling at straws to try and validate your choice of the Captivate.
Most of my issues are related to stability.

Just yesterday, trying to answer a call, the phone app crashed?!?!?!
It remained unstable for an hour or so, over 3-4 reboots, then
settled down and *seems* to be working fine now.

For the record, I have rooted, but dont run SetCPU or ATK.
The battery life issue is not imaginary and not always solved by several full cycles. I've done at least 6+ full charge-discharge cycles now, running the phone until it shuts down, and I still only get 12-13 hours if I use static wallpaper (6 hours if I use live wallpaper).

I've checked what apps are using my battery, and it's almost exclusively the screen (which I leave on auto-brightness) so I don't have any rogue app killing my battery.

Besides the GPS, reception is a very real issue. The rest of my family has AT&T phones and standing right next to them in spots, they're getting 3-4 bars while I'm lucky to have 1 at all, with me often losing reception entirely on my Captivate. Reception issues also appear common from reading this forum.
I've had my Captivate for about 10 days now. My GPS appears to work fine, My power/battery usage is large if I use it a lot (8am to about 6pm when battery is normally about dead), but I'll pull Exchange and gmail email all day long, I have Wifi on, and some other widgets. Seems reasonable really. I've never had a power off problem, I have never had a music studdering problem (music on my external 16gb MicroSD Class2).

Really, there is no reason to delay buying the phone. 2.2 will make it all the better, but you might as well get it now.
It's quite amusing that you think those who swap a captivate for an iphone lack common sense.

The iPhone, be it software, hardware, or aesthetics, is superior to the Captivate to me right now. Therefore, I am getting an iPhone 4. Additionally, if you want to check ebay, the iPhone is currently going for about $600+ while the captivate is around $400. So, in about 2 months, if Froyo and samsung do fix everything, and I want a captivate, I can easily switch and pay nothing.

BTW, the point was that when I buy something, whether it is hardware or software problems, I expect it to work now, not a month or two from now. This is called common sense, not some ridiculous need for instant gratification.

If you absolutely MUST have an android phone, get off on tinkering with your phone all day, and don't mind waiting on the chance that the problems with the phone get fixed, fine. That's you personal preference (and in my opinion a dumb one) but it in no way makes anyone else's wrong. Stop pulling at straws to try and validate your choice of the Captivate.

Iphone4. I want an Iphone4.
I love that youtube video.
Well here goes. Gps is broken and useless but everyone knows this. Random shut offs = happened to me once but really this is what scares me the most. Had it been an emergency in the time it takes to open my phone pull the battery and start it up I would be dead. Battery sucks. As far as lag I use launcher pro and there is virtually none. I am regretting this phone so far.
CPU, GPU, screen, speaker, and Android are outstanding. Overall I'm thrilled, and hoping for a fix for the totally busted GPS and compass.

- GPS. But to say its worthless is not right. Since changing the settings I've found it useful though not perfect. It was able to keep my track on Google track through 3.9 city miles, so it is hardly useless.
- Dimmer. The setting won't stay low -- it jumps up and down when changing between programs. I'd like a fix here.

My other concerns deal with the subpar UI by Samsung as compared to Sense, especially in the area of the calendar and email. But that's not an issue as much as an area where they could improve.

Battery life is fine. I've been using all day and I'm at 35 pct.
Stability is fine - I have never had a spontaneous reboot.
I have had my phone since Aug 7th. My GPS locks in within 15-20 seconds on at least 4-6 satellite outside. Indoors spotty, but near a window can lock in about 45 seconds. The only other problem I had is with contacts, which has been throughly discussed and is an issue with android, not the Captivate. That should be fixed in Froyo 2.2, there is a fix that one can use now, see my thread on same. I have had no other problems with this phone. In the past, I have had Blackberries that you had to pull the battery everyday to restore the memory that was leaked. Meaning phones have problems. I am very happy with my Captivate, and am looking forward to Froyo 2.2. That will really make this phone shine! All in all, I have finally learned some Android, since I never had one before and it does have a slight learning curve.

I think many of the people who are compaining and returning the Captivate now, will regret that decision when Froyo is released and the GPS is fixed. Me, I'll be sitting back enjoying the heck out of my Captivate, where everyday comes and I learn something new about the phone and the OS that I did not know the day prior, I really like that!

Interface lag is also a common problem. Something is wrong with the I/O write speed. It should be fixed in froyo but its definitely a common problem although some people may not notice it because they simply aren't used to a phone that should perform at this speed. The hummingbird is much stronger than the snapdragon processor, but my old droid inc would never hic up or skip at all when backing out of a program to the home screen or loading up a program at all. 2 seconds to get back to the home screen when exiting a program isn't much but it shouldn't be there. Programs should all be instant load, and instant close. This isn't the case. Also, when the phone comes on, it is practically unusable for 30 seconds or so after the splash screens. This is the most obvious case of the lag issue.

I hear what you are saying, but wouldn't this be a case by case basis. I mean we have people who have rooted their phones, people with tons of apps on their phones, different launchers, etc, etc.. I believe that if you take a phone, out of the box and than test it for lasg issues, there will be none to complain about. That is why I think this specific issue is a user by user basis. If people want to complain about lag, fine, no problem, but lets first give the phone a chance and level the playing field, it is only fair!

I have had the Captivate for two weeks and my only issue has been the e-mail. The phone sometimes receives e-mails lightning fast and sometimes it takes hours to receive e-mails. I think that I have not received any e-mails and I log into my mail client on my desktop and there are numerous messages that never made it to my phone. I shut down my phone and start it back up and the messages appear. This happens using the default mail client and mailDroid. I have my e-mail hosted through G-Mail so it should work just fine. On a better note. My GPS works just fine.
I have been overall pretty happy with my captivate. One thing I noticed the last 2 days was after unplugging my phone from USB(overnight charge), the USB icon stays in the notification bar and when I open the bar it says "click to copy files to/from computer" as if its still connected to my comp?? I have to power off and restart phone for the usb icon to go away? thoughts?
I wish they would give you an easy way to shut off the battery charged notification. I'm on 24 hour call and have to leave my phone on. I'm tired of my phone waking me up at 2:00am to tell me it's charged.
I think today is my 30 day and I have no real desire to return the Cappy, but I really need Samsung to get off their arse and fix this stuff.

I have the gps issue. I do limited amounts of email on mine but I do have it working with my Exchange and Gmail.

I think early on I had one random power off but it had been great ever since. Then this morning I woke up half an hour late because no alarm. I've used my cell for an alarm for the last 4+ years. So that was really annoying. Only thing I did different last night was using my bluetooth headset for a little while for the first time. I turned it off and turned the BT on the phone off before bed. So now going to have to go buy an alarm clock until this gets sorted, if it ever does.
This happened as I was about to end a call; I was taken to a screen which only shows the password entry text box and the Emergency call button; it didn't accept my gmail password or at&t wireless password ; I tried pressing the Volume up& down together with pressing & releasing the Power button and I have tried 'clearing user data' ; clearing cache; reset; but no matter what, I cannot get out of the screen; so I CANNOT do anything with the phone except receive a phone call; PLEASE HELP !
Love my captivate. Watched alot of benchmark test and comparison videos n honestly wouldnt trade it for any phone by any service provider. Though i would loooooove unlimited data plan but o well.

Gps fix didnt work for me it still thinks im about 300 yards or so to the west ay any given time.

Minor ui lag havent got the app yet to fix it. I think when we get froyo supposedly nxt month then we can make a better assesment of issues.

To compare iphones to this is silly. Had a 3gs and have toyed w iphone4 and not only is it an all around better phone but android just stomps apple in so many ways. I hate apple and i haaaaaate the dependency on itunes. Get a phone that doesnt require a pc to function fully. Thats all
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