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Root [CDMA] Ubuntu for Android

I was just wondering if anyone has been able to load Ubuntu on their 3D? If so, how did you do it and how do you like it? I have Ubuntu on my other laptop but haven't become proficient at using it yet.
very timely. i've been waiting til I got a new sd card to try this very thing; and I got that in and running last weekend. ;D I'm eager to see what you learn here, as I was planning using this guide:
[Guide] How to install Ubuntu Linux on your phone [1.0 Coming Soon] - xda-developers

which I haven't checked since last winter, and apparently is no longer bueno. which guide are thinking?

EDIT: there's also 'Ubuntu Installer Free' in the market. hrmmmm.......
very timely. i've been waiting til I got a new sd card to try this very thing; and I got that in and running last weekend. ;D I'm eager to see what you learn here, as I was planning using this guide:
[Guide] How to install Ubuntu Linux on your phone [1.0 Coming Soon] - xda-developers

which I haven't checked since last winter, and apparently is no longer bueno. which guide are thinking?

EDIT: there's also 'Ubuntu Installer Free' in the market. hrmmmm.......

I was just wondering if there was an up to date guide on how to install Ubuntu. I didn't know how hard it would be to accomplish. I did see the Ubuntu Installer in the Market but haven't had to guts to try it out. I keep thinking I am going to brick my phone with every ROM I switch too or if I just keep fiddling with it, lol
that is a really cool idea. How neat would it be to run Ubuntu on your phone and still make/receive calls and SMS? Then it truly would be a computer you can make calls with
that is a really cool idea. How neat would it be to run Ubuntu on your phone and still make/receive calls and SMS? Then it truly would be a computer you can make calls with

I was gonna dowload the Ubuntu Installer Free app, but it says that you need a kernel with loop device support. Not sure what that means. I am running MeanROM v4.2 with dodava that count, lol?
Well I was reading up on the app and it seems that it works fine with the 3D. Here is the link that I used which was provided in the app description:
Linux On Android: Working Devices
Think I'll try it out when I get home tonight. I work on a mountain that has lousy Sprint service so my data sucks.....
There was a how-to back in the early days of the Evo 3D to have a full Ubuntu desktop on the Evo 3D.

And I found the thread: http://androidforums.com/evo-3d-all-things-root/387978-ubuntu-linux-3vo.html
I remember when EarlyMon started that thread. I planted a seed in my brain, "fun to-do project. just need = a little more time, new sd card". :D

i've got the card now, finally. time is still tricky. (i've a 5month old ;))

The guide that Early references in that thread (which is the same one I linked in post #2 here) is now a closed thread. It's stating that "necessary files are missing from the Ubuntu website".

Dunno if this is old news or not, but I just noticed that on the last page of that guide (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1197377&page=30), folks are showing the results of their "apt-get install tightvncserver" runs, which is trying to grab (for example):

and they get a "404 not found" error.

well... while that file isn't there, version tightvncserver_1.3.9-6.1_armel.deb is there at that same location; and can be downloaded no sweat. ubuntu updated their file versions. you can view available files by removing the filename from the url:

as for the other missing file from that "apt-get..." run, i'm not sure which one to use. If you go to:

there's a lot of "xbase-clients..." to choose from.

I'm not sure:
1. which xbase client use
2. how to change the "apt-get install tightvncserver" script to point to the right files.

but I haven't started any of this yet, still downloading the ubuntu.zip file.
how are folks doing with their attempts here?

so here's my update...

I downloaded the the 'ubuntu.zip' file and followed a few of the steps from the guide mentioned in post #2 (and EarlyMon's thread linked in post #3).

after downloading the ubuntu.zip, extracting it, and placing contents in an "ubuntu" folder on the sd card...

I wasn't home, where I have android sdk installed, so
- I just used a terminal app (i use better terminal emulator, but any would probably
- typed "su" enter, to give root privileges to the emulator
- then navigated to the "ubuntu" folder on the sd card, "cd /sdcard/ubuntu"
- typed "bootubuntu", and it worked, I got the "bash-4.0#" prompt
ubuntu is running in terminal form,

now the next two steps failed from the guide/threads above, for similar reasons:

step 1: run "apt-get update", to update ubuntu

this failed because the version of ubuntu that the guide/thread is using (and is contained in the ubuntu.zip file) is a version called "karmic koala", which no longer has the update files available at:
Index of /ubuntu-ports/dists anything related to "karmic" is gone, but there's lots of other versions still being supported:
so I don't know if it is as simple as grabbing an "ubuntu.img" for a later version and using it or not. i'm not using the kernel recommended in the guide/thread, i'm running "stock":
but it still works, at least in terminal form.

step 2: run "apt-get install tightvncserver", to install a vnc server that will allow you to view this "remote computer's" desktop
in this ubuntu version, the sources.list (/etc/apt/sources.list) points to tightvnc files that no longer exist, there are new versions (with new names) sitting where the old version used to sit (see post #8 for details).
To fix this, we can probably figure out how to edit the sources.list file and point to the right file names of the new versions. but if we figure out "step 1" above first, and newer version of ubuntu may already have an updated sources.list and point to right version.

In the meantime, if anyone has found an up to date guide, feel free to post it here. otherwise, trying a newer version of the ubuntu.img is my next step.

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