as can be seen by countries like Ireland *sigh*
No... as can be seen by countries like, Iran or Israel. *sigh*
of course, but it does not seem that they do
I think the only thing about the Egyptian population, in general, that can be drawn from the protests is their tired of Mubarak. What they would replace him with I think various greatly.
but where the MB is a minor partner in a coallition government, it might make Israel see the mess they have got themselves into and set about fixing it
So you've got no problems watching the Middle East explode into WWIII?
Agree or disagree with the Israel on the Palestinian issue, if Egypt takes a turn towards aligning with Iran, things have the potential of falling into chaos real fast.
Egypt is quite peaceful, its a middle income economy and its people are relatively well educated to a reasonable degree, there have been incidents (the coptic murders) but these do clear;y not represent the vast majority of Egyptians
I hope thats true, and would love to see a peaceful democratic Egypt.
unfortunately so, and now they realise their mistake... its a shame Fatah became so corrupted, that said, poverty breeds political corruption
Why do you say they realize their mistake now? Last I heard Hammas is stronger than ever and the PA is teetering on collapse.
The Muslim Brotherhood are NOT a concern for the US. I mean, seriously, they aren't radicalized. They aren't anything other than MUSLIM.
Well, will the MB openly attack the US? No. But one of the driving sources of Al-Quedia, Hamas, Hezbulla, etc. was the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas, who routinely target innocent civilians, is direct offshoot of the MB.
Not to mention the numerous financial connections between the MB and Islamic terrorist organizations.
The Brotherhood's stated goal is to instill the Qur'an and Sunnah as the "sole reference point for ... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community ... and state"
I think the idea the MB would accept secular democracy as anything but a stepping stone to their end goal of a true (in their mind) Islamic state is silly.
The MB true, isn't a violent organization, its ideas and ideology are greatly in tune with violent Islamism.
Al Qaeda pretty much hates the Muslim Brotherhood.
Because the MB doesn't openly call for violence.
I don't think the MB is some political front for terrorist organizations, but I don't think they want the same things as western secular democracies.
They have been at peaceful opposition with the government of Egypt for decades.
They've also been linked to political assassination.
A democratic government will rise. It will be one "of the people" of Egypt. The Muslim Brotherhood will play a part in that government.
I think those are pretty obvious statements, like "the sun will rise tomorrow."
Foreign policy for Egypt will more or less continue on as it always has
I think thats a little harder to call.
but Egypt will no longer police it's border with Israel with as strict of a military hand as it has until now. That will be Israel's job.
And thats partly, what can cause the region do explode.
Egypt opens up its boarders with Palestine. Hamas (helped partly by elements in the MB and others) start smuggling more and more weapons and rockets into Palestine.
Israel, in an attempt to keep rockets from falling on schools, launches an operation similar to what happened in 2008. All out conflict between Hamas and Israel breaks out. Hezbollah, which recently took a stronger hold of Lebanon government sees Israel in a weak point, and pushed by (and supplied by) Iran launch attacks against Israel as well.
Thats not a situation I'd like to see play out. No matter what side of the debate your on, that situation would lead to thousands of innocent dead people.