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is there any way to skip app syncing? I've got apps attached to my account that I haven't used in months but 2.2+ roms always want to try and sync them up. I'd rather just use titanium since I'd paid for it and restores settings, etc.

I've been using it all day. It seems really smooth, and thie only thing is when I'm trying to reply to a text through the ChompSMS pop-up window the keyboard is REALLY laggy. Other than that, its great, with just a few glitches I've noticed (LP restarted on my as I was exiting the browser-thats about it).

just in chomp? I found the keyboard pretty laggy all around.
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i got up this mornin and tried to flash 1.2 overtop of 1.1(i know the directions said otherwise :eek: ) and had a few apps and widgets not load or launch,so i went ahead and did a wipe,reflashed,and had to set my phone up all over again. no biggie. got close to time to leave for work,so i decided not to reactivate yet... mainly because of the aforementioned laggy keyboard. its hard enuff for me to text on the smaller screen,especially when its laggy,so i decided to wait.

the gapps must have had a different market? or something? when i flashed 1.2 i had all sorts of trouble getting apps to download. had to reboot it twice as some of them were just stuck on "downloading". i had the same out of memory errors i did the first time,but again they all installed just fine manually.the wierd part is that this time not all of them came back. this market is missing some of the apps that came back the first time.

when i got home a little bit ago it had a message on it that said the weather widget was unable to get a location,but this morning GPS seemed to be working.

other than the laggy keyboard it is definately smooth and fast.
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i got up this mornin and tried to flash 1.2 overtop of 1.1(i know the directions said otherwise :eek: ) and had a few apps and widgets not load or launch,so i went ahead and did a wipe,reflashed,and had to set my phone up all over again. no biggie. got close to time to leave for work,so i decided not to reactivate yet... mainly because of the aforementioned laggy keyboard. its hard enuff for me to text on the smaller screen,especially when its laggy,so i decided to wait.

the gapps must have had a different market? or something? when i flashed 1.2 i had all sorts of trouble getting apps to download. had to reboot it twice as some of them were just stuck on "downloading". i had the same out of memory errors i did the first time,but again they all installed just fine manually.the wierd part is that this time not all of them came back. this market is missing some of the apps that came back the first time.

when i got home a little bit ago it had a message on it that said the weather widget was unable to get a location,but this morning GPS seemed to be working.

other than the laggy keyboard it is definately smooth and fast.

Did you flash the new mini gapps package? I don't know what all was in the original one posted in the thread, but the market version is the same I had while running Froshedyo Vanilla. I did have a lot of apps seem to be stuck downloading for a long time, but after a while they either were reported as restored or that the download had failed.

I haven't had any gps problems or problems with my weather updating, but I did have simiclock stop updating for a while. There are probably just a few bugs here and there that still need to be ironed out either for cm7 in general or in this version built for the eris.
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Did you flash the new mini gapps package? I don't know what all was in the original one posted in the thread, but the market version is the same I had while running Froshedyo Vanilla. I did have a lot of apps seem to be stuck downloading for a long time, but after a while they either were reported as restored or that the download had failed.

I haven't had any gps problems or problems with my weather updating, but I did have simiclock stop updating for a while. There are probably just a few bugs here and there that still need to be ironed out either for cm7 in general or in this version built for the eris.

yup... i flashed the mini gapps packlage that he listed. not sure what the deal was. my eris is active again so i can give it a real test now.

hooray! i no longer have to turn off wifi to send pic messages! :D (knocking on wooden desk)
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is there any way to skip app syncing? I've got apps attached to my account that I haven't used in months but 2.2+ roms always want to try and sync them up. I'd rather just use titanium since I'd paid for it and restores settings, etc.

Yes, I believe so (this works in Froyo, so...)

When you start the ROM the first time after a wipe, do not log in with your Google account - skip that step. Then, the first time that you open the market or gmail (or talk, probably) it will ask you for google account credentials - and it will auto-sync contacts, calendar, gmail, but not your old market apps.

I did that with CELB the last time that I flashed it from scratch and it was much better. I should have done with this one as well.

doogald,you flashed the same cache2cache we flashed over celb? i still have that on my SD card. guess ill reflash it :D

Yes, that's the one. I wiped, flashed GSB, flashed the Google apps, flashed cache2cache and then restarted. It's been working just fine, and I have 67.75 MB free with 60-something apps installed.

Oh, I also used Clockwork to flash this. I'm not sure that I like it better, though the menu is better organized and you don't need the trackball. I definitely like Nandroid backups and restores, though, as it also backs up cache and the apps that you have stored on SD, if you have them. The Nandroid in Amon's does not backup or restore those items.
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yes clockwork is definately more thurough. ive been using that on my droid 1. apparently its not as reliable as SPRecovery,but its what ive used to make all the backups i have to this date. id hate to switch now and have some of my backups be different. i tried a new one,raidzero recovery. its got alot of menu options... i dont even understand them all,lol. ended up switching back to clockwork.
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Is anyone else having problems with widgets freezing up on them? When I got to school today I noticed my simiclock widget still said 1:01am, facebook was still showing statuses from last night, and circle battery said I was still at 100% despite some use. A restart did fixed these issues.
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So far, I am having no issue using this. That said, I haven't received a call; I haven't used GPS. I use only two widgets - a clock that has been perfect, and the LP+ messages widget (which I rarely actually look at - it's two screens from my default home), and that's also been fine.

With the exception of the status bar and notification colors, plus some weird animations, I am having a hard time telling the difference between this and CM6 Froyo.
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Flashed shed's version this morning, and so far am quite impressed with how well it's running given it's both an early version of CM7 in general, as well as on the Eris. I remember how shaky the first Froyo versions were and the fact that this is so stable is quite amazing. The only thing I've found so far is for some reason, Launcher Pro has been having a few issues. A few force-closes and also, if I leave an application, it will just be a black screen and take a few seconds for my home screen to show up. I have both the LP setting "Keep In Memory" as well as the CM "Lock Home in Memory" setting enabled. Just wondering if anyone else has encountered these issues and if it is redundant or even counter-productive to have both those settings checked.
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Flashed shed's version this morning, and so far am quite impressed with how well it's running given it's both an early version of CM7 in general, as well as on the Eris. I remember how shaky the first Froyo versions were and the fact that this is so stable is quite amazing. The only thing I've found so far is for some reason, Launcher Pro has been having a few issues. A few force-closes and also, if I leave an application, it will just be a black screen and take a few seconds for my home screen to show up. I have both the LP setting "Keep In Memory" as well as the CM "Lock Home in Memory" setting enabled. Just wondering if anyone else has encountered these issues and if it is redundant or even counter-productive to have both those settings checked.

the only issue I have is GPS losing signal randomly while in nav mode.

I've got my compach maxed out, and the VM heap size maxed out.

in LP im running the cube swipe animations and the 3D app menu which normally sucked on froyo, but man is SUPER smooth on GB. I've got all the animations at top speed. I've also flashed the xtrCache2Cache to maximize my memory and use the internal cache directory. so this might all be helping me with overall speed.

also, i'm clock at 710 in cm7 settings.
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The only thing I've found so far is for some reason, Launcher Pro has been having a few issues. A few force-closes and also, if I leave an application, it will just be a black screen and take a few seconds for my home screen to show up. I have both the LP setting "Keep In Memory" as well as the CM "Lock Home in Memory" setting enabled. Just wondering if anyone else has encountered these issues and if it is redundant or even counter-productive to have both those settings checked.

I've had LP closed out in the background twice. I've since set the LP+ "keep in memory" (but not the CM settings one, which I believe I had set on CELB but not on this, yet), and it has not happened since. (However, what I did at the time was launch the Facebook app and have it sync contacts for the first time, and I can see that being memory-intensive.)

(Ok, it just happened again, after coming back from updating several market apps.)

Right now, System Panel is reporting 54 MB RAM free, so I wonder if the amount of free system resources (those you can change using the app Autokiller) are set on the stricter side. I may reinstall Autokiller, set it to Optimum, and see if LP+ likes that more.
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Just did the same with Autokiller, I'll see if that helps. Speaking of Facebook, I'm coming from xtrROM5.0 and the xtr ROMs had the built-in functionality of easily linking up Facebook profiles with contacts, and although it seems to have done of that on its own when I synced my FB contacts, I still see a lot that it is not recognizing as Facebook friends, and so not showing their contact photo. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to make this happen on CM7. I am also using Dialer One, as I like how it is Sense-like to be able to start typing a name and have the contact come up. Any help would be appreciated.
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Just did the same with Autokiller, I'll see if that helps. Speaking of Facebook, I'm coming from xtrROM5.0 and the xtr ROMs had the built-in functionality of easily linking up Facebook profiles with contacts, and although it seems to have done of that on its own when I synced my FB contacts, I still see a lot that it is not recognizing as Facebook friends, and so not showing their contact photo. I'm wondering if anyone knows of a way to make this happen on CM7. I am also using Dialer One, as I like how it is Sense-like to be able to start typing a name and have the contact come up. Any help would be appreciated.

Yes, I'm seeing the same thing - actually, I have a few FB friends that are not matching with existing contacts, and all of the FB contacts that were not already gmail contacts are not showing up with contact photos at all (and the only photos that show up with matching contacts were exiting gmail contact photos.) This wasn't the case with the CM Froyo ROMs - those contact photos always appeared from FB, and matching contacts would use the FB profile photo - so this appears to be either a CM7 issue or a Facebook app issue.

You may just have to wait out a fix. You may want to report this in the xda thread.
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Is anyone else having problems with widgets freezing up on them? When I got to school today I noticed my simiclock widget still said 1:01am, facebook was still showing statuses from last night, and circle battery said I was still at 100% despite some use. A restart did fixed these issues.

so far ive had no issues with widgets,however battery,power bar,and beautiful widgets clock/weather are the only ones i use.

the only issue I have is GPS losing signal randomly while in nav mode.

also, i'm clock at 710 in cm7 settings.

im having the same issue with GPS. i got a couple different gps apps(gps tools,gps speedo) to test it-defitnely a gps issue moreso than a maps/navigation issue.

in attempt to fix i:
1-navigated from maps
3-uninstalled/reinstalled maps
4-rebooted again,lol...
5-tried leaving it alone to see if it would find signal again and stick.
6-put it in airplane mode for various periods of time

none of wich had any impact whatsoever. :eek:

So far, I am having no issue using this. That said, I haven't received a call; I haven't used GPS. I use only two widgets - a clock that has been perfect, and the LP+ messages widget (which I rarely actually look at - it's two screens from my default home), and that's also been fine.

With the exception of the status bar and notification colors, plus some weird animations, I am having a hard time telling the difference between this and CM6 Froyo.

gingerbread in general was sposed to give speed and battery life improvements. from what ive read,and autokiller may not even be needed as its sposed to be smarter than froyo as far as what it lets run in the back ground. i so far havent even installed a task killer or auto killer,ive just been looking at the running services and killing things off that way. there is never much running-usually just set cpu,battery widget,cyanogenmod settings,google services and android keyboard.

wether or not its faster,smarter,or using less battery at this point i do not know,but it is defaintely not using any more battery :)

one neat feature that i like a whole lot is when you are typing text,if you need to change something,tap somewhere in your text and a pointer will appear that you can move back and forth to the exact location you need it. there will also be a 2nd poiinter at the begining of the text,and you can use them to copy/paste.

the keyboard seems to still be a bit laggy. at times a little worse than others. but other than that... my only real complaint is the GPS. overall still very smooth and stable after playing with it all day. :D
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