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Code book; baker book? Cooks??


Jun 12, 2013
I have had one other experience with a smartphone other than this one. The indulge! And even though it was 100% skeem to haggle money unfairly off of all metro customers, it had one tirelessly good feat sewn into its walls, it was programmable!!!! It didnt like new sim cards, it didnt like new dos or tos, it didnt much like roms,.....but it was 100% programmable, at a first Time of smartphones that makes me beleive, that newer and better phones couldnt be made today without a backup scheme in thier matrix, and by this, i mean code!!! There has got to be a std. Code book, cook book for every smartphone on the market today, small in print but out there somewhere. And i would love /need to own it.....what is the name or site and name of book i could start with or land the answrr entirely??? Please anyone! ....help?


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