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Comment on ATT tech service


Android Expert
Quick heads up on the competency of ATT tech support just in case anyone else has this situation: Yesterday at my office I notice I'm missing calls when I see google voice notifications..I look at my phone and its got the blue circle with the line thru it. After rebooting and no difference I call ATT and after 1/2 hr they tell me my sim is corrupt and to go exchange it at a att store. So later I head to the nearest store a couple miles away and on the way I get a call! I look and its got bars, 3G, etc showing. I call ATT back and after a few mins they tell me something to the effect: "Oh...there is a tower that is giving us problems near your office. We're in the process of fixing it". Just a heads up to all...

Mods: move this somewhere if its not in the right place
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