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Help Contact Transfer Question.


Android Enthusiast
How do I transfer my contact list from my OPV to my Gmail? I have no contacts in Gmail right now (sync is always turned off). I want to save them there since I am changing phones and want the backup, plus can then transfer to new phone.
Why don't you sync your phone with Gmail and then when you switch phones you just sync again.

You also do not say who your carrier is but if it is Verizon they allow you to backup your contacts to their website and then you could restore
Have an LG OPV therefore am on Virgin Mobile. Got a new HTC EVO V for the $99 price. Couldn't pass it up.

Well, I tried syncing to Gmail, thinking my OPV phone contacts would go there since there were no contacts on my Gmail, just on my phone. Removed all my contacts from my phone syncing to the empty Gmail. Wound up with no contacts anywhere. 87 contacts lost. I did save it to my SD card and was able to import them to Gmail. Then synced again to my phone. Only problem a lot of the info was lost during the transfers. It seems syncing and/or importing does not transfer all the data. Will have to edit the contacts and add the lost data. :mad:

Thanks for the response...
As neil154 mentioned,and for later use, Sync phone to Gmail. before you change phones.
Before I started using Periodic Auto sync I left auto sync turned off.
Just before putting in new contact I would turn on auto sync, then turn off 5 minutes after adding contact.

I have Periodic Auto Sync set to turn auto sync on every 4 hours, just for 1 minute. Now I just add a contact and let Periodic Auto Sync do the rest. My contact list now always stays up to date with Gmail.
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