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Critical Contacts w/ MXP


Android Expert
How does Moto and the MXP deal with critical contacts? Don't have an MXP, just curious.

If you want calls AND TEXTS from family to override silent mode, can you do that? In some other phones (like my G3) you can let phone calls from favorites through in "priority mode" but texts are all or none, leaving you with the choice of letting no texts or all texts through.

I've been using an app called Criticall to accomplish exactly this (at The Chief's excellent recommendation) but the app has fallen apart with the last few lollipop updates and the dev has apparently gone away.

So what kind of customization is possible? I'm hoping that Moto baked this feature into the OS, or is 5.1.1 the same everywhere? And it's unclear if Marshmallow will address the finer points of priority overrides.

If you're in Priority Mode, only starred (favorite) contacts can interrupt you. The exception is if someone tried to call you twice in a 15-minute period, it goes through (assumes an emergency situation). That's how I understand it: I haven't really put it to the test yet.
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