How did you like the R6, ive only owned suzuki (2 GSXR600's) and am thinking of going yamaha for my next bike. I love their styling but ive heard they are a lot more "aggresive" to ride on the road, and are much more of a track bike than anything else.
I absolutely love my r6, how it feels, handles, etc, but aggressive isnt necessarily the right word to use. all of the newer sport bikes are agressive as hell, they are production race bikes capable of breaking any and all traffic laws in 3rd gear (second if its a liter bike). the more apporpriate word would be powerbands and where bikes make the most use of it. the r6 is more of a better suited track bike because its powerband is all at the top end from 9500rpm up to 16000rpm, right where you want to have it centered on a track. its great on the road though, dont get me wrong, i love my r6 and i honestly love its styling too. the sound is different also because of where its powerband comes into play at.
i've never liked the seating position kawi offers, it just doesnt inspire confidence in me when i'm on one because the seating position is so high that i dont feel confortable on it. to me its more like you're riding on top of the bike instead of in the bike. the only kawi i've ever been on was a ninja 636 and honestly, i felt my r6 pulled harder than it did.
gsxr is really low seating, great bike, very easy to drop into turns, great mid range powerband, easy to find replacement parts for because a lot of squids ride them, lol, but not for me because i am too tall to sit comfortably on one.
honda, my first bike was a cbr 600rr, i loved it, went with the maha r6 because i couldnt find the cbr i wanted, would love to be back on a cbr and as soon as i have the money for one i'll have another one. great seating position for taller people, very responsive bikes, light and nimble and they flick back and forth in turns incredibly easy. power band is right in the middle too, 5000rpm up to 11000rpm is right where the powerband sits which is absolutely perfect for street because the powerband sits in the same rpm you cruise around town in.
To me its all about seating position and what you feel comfortable on when it comes down to it. if you dont feel comfortable sitting on it then you sure as hell wont like riding it. the specs, horsepower, weight, torque, they're all so close when it comes to the modern bikes that it really doesnt matter anymore, unless you've been racing since you were 5 you arent going to be able to squeeze out the extra 1 or 2 horses one might give you over the other, its personal preference when it comes down to it.