Just a guess, but as soon as the HD hits the market, VZW will start GIVING away the Maxx for a penny to new contracts, $49 for upgrades. So I THINK the Maxx will be next to worthless at that time. IMO.
I disagree. There is no way they'd take moto's current flagship and immediately make it the cheapest on the market. The Razr is 100 dollars less than the maxx, which makes more sense. I'd say the HD will be at 300, and the rest will stay the same. Possiblyyyy knock 50 bucks off, but no way it'll go down to 49, as that'll knock everything else down to free and moto will only have free phones, a 49$ phone, and the HD.
On a side note, I jumped on the MAXX for 69.99 + a 30 dollar upgrade. Best buy honors verizon discounts for the most part. I printed out the shopping cart in verizon that showed the 100$ off dads and grads (and a nice extra 30 dollars thrown in....) and they went with it.